栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:特朗普政府计划推翻奥巴马时代的燃油经济标准
The Trump administration's deregulatory agenda continues. Today the Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rollback of Obama-era fuel economy standards. This substantially
NPR News2020-04-09NPR News:英国首相和卫生大臣确诊新冠病毒 首席医疗官自我隔离
The coronavirus has rocked the British government. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his health secretary have tested positive, and the U.K.'s chief medical officer has symptoms
NPR News2020-04-08NPR News:新冠疫情肆虐之际 美国宣布加大对伊朗制裁力度
Before the U.S. led the world in reported cases of coronavirus, the pandemic was already sweeping through Iran. More than 2,700 people have died there, and the health care system h
NPR News2020-04-02NPR News:美国起诉委内瑞拉总统马杜罗 悬赏1500万美元抓人
The U.S. government has charged Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro with drug trafficking. Attorney General Bill Barr announced the charges earlier this morning. Here he is.
NPR News2020-04-01NPR News:2万亿美元 特朗普签署美国史上最大规模经济刺激法案
Yesterday, President Trump signed into law the largest economic rescue package in U.S. history, a $2 trillion package to address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on people, b
NPR News2020-04-01NPR News:英国王储查尔斯新冠病毒检测呈阳性 首相下达外出禁令
Some other news now — Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, tested positive for coronavirus; the prince's royal office says so. NPR's Frank Langfitt is on the line f
NPR News2020-04-01NPR News:不满俩"总统"争权 美削减10亿美元对阿援助
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the U.S. will cut a billion dollars in U.S. aid to Afghanistan. Why? Well, the U.S. is frustrated that two men are claiming to be Afghanistan
NPR News2020-03-31NPR News:奥运会史上首次延期举行 安倍提议最晚2021年夏举办
Another change due to the coronavirus — Japan's prime minister says the Tokyo Olympics, which were supposed to start on July 24, will be postponed until next summer at the lat
NPR News2020-03-26NPR News:意大利疫情急剧恶化 墓地已不堪重负
The number of deaths in Italy is still rising. The whole country is on lockdown but does not yet see the effects since it may take a couple of weeks for infected people to get sick
NPR News2020-03-26NPR News:欧盟决定禁止非欧盟公民入境 为期30天
The European Union is closing its borders to non-EU residents. The travel ban will last for 30 days, and it's aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Movement
NPR News2020-03-25NPR News:特朗普寻求8500亿美元刺激计划 以缓解新冠疫情的经济影响
President Trump's administration is proposing an $850 billion stimulus package to help businesses and individuals cope with the abrupt slowdown in the U.S. economy from the cor
NPR News2020-03-24NPR News:内塔尼亚胡要下台? 以色列总统宣布正式授权甘茨组阁
Will Israel's long-serving prime minister be replaced? Benjamin Netanyahu says during the coronavirus epidemic, it is not time to change leaders. But retired Army Gen. Benny Ga
NPR News2020-03-24NPR News:美联储降息至接近零利率以应对新冠肺炎疫情
The Federal Reserve made a surprise announcement this evening that it is cutting interest rates to near zero. The move comes as the U.S. economy has been rocked by the fast-moving
NPR News2020-03-19NPR News:特朗普扩大旅行禁令范围 英国和爱尔兰包括在内
President Trump is expanding the European coronavirus travel ban to include the U.K. and Ireland. That will start Monday at midnight. And he said today he's considering domestic t
NPR News2020-03-19NPR News:特朗普宣布美国进入"国家紧急状态" 斥资500亿美元抗疫
As anxiety about coronavirus intensifies, President Trump tried again yesterday to reassure Americans that the government is doing everything in its power to control the outbreak.
NPR News2020-03-18NPR News:美国对伊拉克民兵组织发动报复性空袭
The U.S. military says it has carried out a series of airstrikes in Iraq against a militia group backed by Iran. This comes a day after rocket attacks on a military base in Iraq th
NPR News2020-03-17NPR News:好莱坞大佬韦恩斯坦性侵案宣判 将入狱23年
Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was sentenced today to 23 years in prison. He was convicted last month of two sex crimes against two different women. Weinstein was once
NPR News2020-03-16NPR News:沙特王储多名王室高级成员 提高石油产量报复俄罗斯
Saudi Arabia's crown prince spent the weekend throwing international oil markets into chaos and crushing dissent at home. The move raises alarm again about Mohammed bin Salman&
NPR News2020-03-16NPR News:俄罗斯与土耳其达成协议 叙利亚实现停火
There is a cease-fire in Syria. Turkish forces have been fighting the Syrian regime, which is supported by Russia. So it is those two countries, Turkey and Russia, that have called
NPR News2020-03-16NPR News:和平协议墨迹未干 美国就对塔利班发动了空袭
On Saturday, the United States and the Taliban signed a deal intended as a first step to peace in Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country. Just four days lat
NPR News2020-03-12NPR News:美联储紧急降息救市 但美股还是暴跌了800点
The Federal Reserve is trying to inoculate the U.S. economy from the effects of the coronavirus. The Fed cut its benchmark interest rate today by half a percentage point. That move
NPR News2020-03-09NPR News:以色列举行一年内第三次大选 内塔尼亚胡暂时领先
The results of Israel's third national election in a year are coming in. Most of the votes have been counted, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is getting closer to a win.
NPR News2020-03-06NPR News:塔利班宣布恢复军事行动 美塔和平协议遭受考验
And over the weekend, the U.S. and the Taliban signed a deal that calls for peace talks to begin March 10. It also calls for a prisoner swap, but that part's already in doubt,
NPR News2020-03-05NPR News:33名士兵在叙利亚袭击中丧生 土耳其威胁放难民入欧洲
Yesterday was the deadliest day for the Turkish military since it first entered the Syrian conflict in 2016. Thirty-three Turkish soldiers died fighting Syrian forces, forces backe
NPR News2020-03-04NPR News:印度首都遭遇最严重宗教暴动
India's capital is experiencing the worst religious violence it has seen in decades.
NPR News2020-03-03
CHANG: The riots in Delhi kicked off on Sunday and have now
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