栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:美国国家经济研究局发声明 美国经济于今年2月起陷入衰退
It's official. The United States is in a recession. That might seem like an obvious statement. After all, unemployment last month topped 13% as economic activity slowed to a cr
NPR News2020-06-16NPR News:瑞典主推群体免疫专家后悔 承认应采取更严格措施
Sweden has remained largely open during this pandemic. The government has relied on residents to voluntarily keep their distance to try to contain the virus. But as Maddy Savage re
NPR News2020-06-15NPR News:三分之二的美国人认为特朗普加剧了种族紧张局势
A majority of Americans feels that President Trump has made race relations worse since George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police. That's according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour
NPR News2020-06-12NPR News:以色列警察开枪打死一名巴勒斯坦人
Days after police killed George Floyd in Minneapolis, there was another police killing halfway across the world in Jerusalem. There, Israeli police shot an unarmed Palestinian man.
NPR News2020-06-11NPR News:美国伊朗再次换囚 美海军退伍军人和伊科学家获释
Iran has released an American citizen and sent him home. Navy veteran Michael White was headed out of Iran towards the U.S. today after nearly two years in Iranian custody. The rel
NPR News2020-06-11NPR News:特朗普威胁动用军队镇暴 遭多名前军官指责
When General Jim Mattis resigned from the Trump administration, he argued it would be inappropriate to criticize a sitting president. Well, that has now changed. The former secreta
NPR News2020-06-09NPR News:不满各州处理抗议方式 特朗普威胁出动军队
Last night, President Trump made a threat. He said if states don't figure out a way to stop unrest, he will send in the military.
NPR News2020-06-08
PRESIDENTNPR News:美国黑人遭警察跪压致死 全美爆发抗议
This is Weekend Edition from NPR News. I’m Scott Simon. Protests over the alleged murder of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis have spread far beyond Minnesota. In
NPR News2020-06-05NPR News:特朗普与推特纷争升级 总统颁行政令修理社交媒体
This fight between President Trump and Twitter seems to be escalating. Twitter has flagged a tweet from the president about the protests in Minneapolis as violating its rules again
NPR News2020-06-04NPR News:美国新冠肺炎死亡病例超过10万
One hundred thousand — that is how many people are now known to have been killed in the U.S. by a virus few had ever heard of just a few months ago. With less than 5% of the world
NPR News2020-06-03NPR News:巴西成全球第二多确诊国家 美国对其发布旅行禁令
The U.S. is the undisputed leader in a contest no one wants to win. This country has by far more reported cases of the coronavirus than any other nation in the world. The number no
NPR News2020-06-02NPR News:涉嫌贪腐案开审 内塔尼亚胡成为首位出庭的在任以色列总理
It is rare for a world leader to be tried in criminal court while still serving in office, and that's what happened today in Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah
NPR News2020-06-01NPR News:巴基斯坦客机坠毁居民区 现场黑烟滚滚
A plane carrying nearly 100 people crashed into a residential neighborhood in Karachi, Pakistan, a few hours ago. Domestic flights in the country had been grounded because of coron
NPR News2020-05-29NPR News:拜登为冒犯黑人的不当言论道歉 特朗普威胁推翻州长
The number of Americans who have died from the coronavirus now approaches 100,000. President Trump threatens to override governors who refuse to reopen religious houses of worship
NPR News2020-05-28NPR News:气旋风暴"安攀"袭击印度和孟加拉国 致80余人遇难
Cleanup has begun in coastal India and Bangladesh after a cyclone that killed more than 80 people. Winds hit 115 miles per hour. Here's NPR's Lauren Frayer.
NPR News2020-05-27
(SOUNDBITE OFNPR News:美国众议院通过3万亿美元经济纾困法案
Democrats say the $3 trillion coronavirus aid bill that was approved last week in the House is meant to meet the needs of everyday Americans. Republicans say that same bill is a pa
NPR News2020-05-26NPR News:特朗普威胁美国永久断供并退出世卫组织
President Trump is threatening to cut all U.S. funding to the World Health Organization permanently and possibly withdraw from the agency altogether. The president says the WHO has
NPR News2020-05-25NPR News:特朗普与奥巴马因疫情隔空互怼 美总统大选硝烟再起
Former President Barack Obama leveled some of his sharpest public criticism towards President Trump this weekend. Obama was addressing graduates of historically black colleges and
NPR News2020-05-22NPR News:特朗普解雇美国国务院督察长 或是在保护蓬佩奥不被查
This is weekend edition from NPR News. I'm Scott Simon.
NPR News2020-05-21
The Trump administration is ousting the inspector general of the State Department. News broke of Steve Linick's firNPR News:因反对特朗普推荐的药物 美国顶级科学家被调职
Rick Bright alleges that the White House would not listen to him. Today he testifies before a House committee that says it will. Bright used to run a top federal health agency. He
NPR News2020-05-20NPR News:美两党达成巨额支出法案 20年后重启枪支暴力研究
We've talked about the huge debt relief bills Congress has approved. To finance them, the Treasury says it will borrow $3 trillion in the April-May-June quarter. That is six ti
NPR News2020-05-19NPR News:英国首相鲍里斯公布解封路线图 被指含糊不清遭抨击
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has changed course by outlining a road map for Britain to start opening back up. But leaders in the rest of the United Kingdom say not so fast.
NPR News2020-05-18NPR News:白宫多人确诊新冠肺炎 特朗普为连任急于复苏经济
As the days go by, it can be hard to keep track of just how long we've been in lockdown. In California, the first state to issue stay-at-home orders, it's been almost eight
NPR News2020-05-15NPR News:美国失业率飙至14.7% 创大萧条以来最高
The unemployment rate in the United States is now at 14.7%, the worst since the Great Depression. Women, Hispanics and African Americans are especially hard-hit. Hospitality and re
NPR News2020-05-14NPR News:美国司法部撤销对前国家安全顾问弗林诉讼
Yesterday, the Department of Justice reversed one of the most high-profile cases in the Mueller investigation. Michael Flynn served as President Trump's first national security
NPR News2020-05-13
栏目广告位二 |