栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:伊拉克爆发大规模抗议 暴力冲突致数十人死亡
Iraq erupted this week with some of the biggest, most widespread protests in years. They seemed to start spontaneously over joblessness and corruption.
NPR News2019-10-09
NPR News:脱欧局势再添悬念 英中最高法院裁定首相关闭议会违法
Now to the constitutional crisis on the other side of the Atlantic. The U.K. Supreme Court has ruled that Prime Minister Boris Johnson broke the law when he suspended Parliament ea
NPR News2019-10-08 -
NPR News:通乌门举报信公开 白宫试图掩盖真相
Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire is testifying right now before the House intelligence committee. The subject is a complaint from a whistleblower. This perso
NPR News2019-10-08 -
NPR News:我想要你帮个忙! 特朗普与乌克兰总统通话记录公开
Well, in a moment, we will hear more about President Trump's reaction to the public release of notes from his phone conversation with the Ukrainian president. The two took ques
NPR News2019-10-08 -
NPR News:特朗普联大演讲攻击中国和伊朗 鼓吹美国优先和民族主义
After Speaker Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry, President Trump tweeted, they never even saw the transcript of the call, and, in all caps, presidential harassment. Earlier
NPR News2019-10-08 -
NPR News:美众院对特朗普启动弹劾调查 总统称是政治迫害
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has launched impeachment proceedings against President Trump. This sets the stage for what may become an epic battle between congressional Democrats and
NPR News2019-10-08 -
NPR News:特朗普批准向沙特和阿联酋增兵和部署更多军备
And more now on those new U.S. deployments to Saudi Arabia. Defense Secretary Mark Esper made that announcement yesterday.
NPR News2019-09-30
MARK ESPER: Saudi Ara -
NPR News:通俄门之后又陷通乌门 特朗普被曝施压乌总统调查拜登儿子
President Trump and Ukraine — Robert Mueller didn't indict anyone for conspiring with a foreign power — Russia — to influence the 2016 election. But now President Trump is f
NPR News2019-09-27 -
NPR News:特朗普宣布博尔顿继任者 奥布莱恩出任国家安全顾问
President Trump has announced a new national security adviser replacing John Bolton, who was ousted last week. It's Robert O'Brien, a State Department official who has been
NPR News2019-09-26 -
NPR News:全球多国学生罢课游行 要求采取措施应对气候变化
From Germany and Pakistan to Nigeria and New York, millions of young people took to the streets today to demand urgent action on climate change.
NPR News2019-09-25
NPR News:涂黑脸旧照涉种族歧视 加拿大总理特鲁多公开道歉
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is asking for forgiveness after images of him emerged in which he had darkened his skin with makeup.
NPR News2019-09-24
NPR News:美联储年内二度降息 特朗普痛批降息不够多
AUDIE CORNISH: The Federal Reserve announced a modest cut in interest rates today. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell described the move as a kind of insurance policy to protect the econom
NPR News2019-09-23 -
NPR News:阿富汗两起爆炸致数十人死亡 塔利班宣称负责
When peace talks between the U.S. and the Taliban fell apart last week, the Taliban warned there would be violence. Today, it claimed responsibility for two attacks in Afghanistan
NPR News2019-09-20 -
NPR News:美国大法官卡瓦诺再涉性丑闻 民主党要求弹劾特朗普护犊子
Some top Democrats are calling for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to be impeached. Here's why. Over the weekend, The New York Times published an essay that's adapted
NPR News2019-09-19 -
NPR News:沙特石油设施遭无人机袭击 美国指责伊朗为幕后黑手
The United States is calling it an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supplies. A drone strike on two of Saudi Arabia's key oil installations has forced the kingdom
NPR News2019-09-18 -
NPR News:以色列将重新举行选举 内塔尼亚胡形势严峻
Benjamin Netanyahu is Israel's longest-serving prime minister, but now he's facing a tough battle for political survival. He narrowly won elections last spring but failed t
NPR News2019-09-17 -
NPR News:英议会再次否决首相提前大选动议 约翰逊关停议会
For the second time in a week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged Parliament to back a snap election in October to break the country's Brexit deadlock.
NPR News2019-09-16
NPR News:特朗普叫停与塔利班和谈 阿富汗局势或将更加动荡
President Trump tweeted last night that he is canceling peace negotiations with the Taliban. He revealed details of a planned secret meeting at Camp David between U.S. officials, t
NPR News2019-09-12 -
NPR News:印度登陆月球南极尝试失败 着陆器在登月前失联
Early Saturday, India tried to do something that had never been attempted before. Its space program tried to land an unmanned rover near the moon's south pole, but mission cont
NPR News2019-09-11 -
NPR News:津巴布韦前总统穆加贝去世 是非功过已是云烟
The longtime leader of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, is dead at age 95. He was a liberator who became one of the most ruthless autocrats in the world. This is a story about how history
NPR News2019-09-10 -
NPR News:英国议会下院阻止无协议脱欧 约翰逊提前大选动议被否
It has not been a good day for Boris Johnson. The U.K. Parliament has dealt two more big blows to the prime minister's Brexit plans. After the House of Commons seized control o
NPR News2019-09-09 -
NPR News:印尼西巴布亚暴动持续 政府切断当地互联网通讯
Indonesia is cracking down on a movement in the far eastern part of that country. More than 1,000 soldiers and police have deployed to the Papuan region to quell protests. Dozens h
NPR News2019-09-06 -
NPR News:得州枪击案致7死20余伤 枪手在案发前遭解雇
An update now on the investigation into the mass shooting that happened in West Texas over the weekend. Authorities say the gunman who killed seven people and injured more than 20
NPR News2019-09-05 -
NPR News:韩国中止日韩军事情报共享 美国不干了
Top U.S. defense officials delivered a rare and public rebuke of their ally, South Korea, yesterday. They accused Seoul of letting historical feuds with Japan jeopardize U.S. secur
NPR News2019-09-04 -
NPR News:首相约翰逊关停议会 英国走向无协议脱欧
Reading online news headlines from the United Kingdom today, you'll see a divide over what Prime Minister Boris Johnson's call to suspend Parliament means.
NPR News2019-09-03
From The Sun —
栏目广告位二 |