栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:美国宣布将伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队列为恐怖组织
The Trump administration has taken an unprecedented step in its bid to put pressure on Iran. It has designated part of Iran's military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a
NPR News2019-04-11 -
NPR News:埃航空难初步调查报告公布 波音CEO承认飞行系统存在问题
We learned more today about what contributed to the fatal crash of an Ethiopian Airlines plane last month. Officials in Ethiopia released a preliminary report saying the Boeing 737
NPR News2019-04-10 -
NPR News:一艘油轮在利比亚海域搭救移民反被劫持 马耳他海军出手解救
A group of migrants showed just how determined they were to reach Europe. They were in a boat off the coast of Libya. The boat was sinking. A ship rescued the 100 migrants, and the
NPR News2019-04-09 -
NPR News:北约庆祝成立70周年 美批德批土彰显分歧
President Trump's administration is celebrating NATO. Though the president has criticized the alliance for its levels of military spending, the State Department is hosting a me
NPR News2019-04-09 -
NPR News:一艘油轮在利比亚海域搭救移民反被劫持 马耳他海军出手解救
A group of migrants showed just how determined they were to reach Europe. They were in a boat off the coast of Libya. The boat was sinking. A ship rescued the 100 migrants, and the
NPR News2019-04-08 -
NPR News:朝鲜首次回应驻西班牙使馆遇袭 称是严重恐袭事件
Over a month ago, there was a raid on North Korea's embassy in Spain. North Korea was silent on the whole thing until now. An obscure group claimed responsibility for the break
NPR News2019-04-04 -
NPR News:俄罗斯军事代表团抵达委内瑞拉 特朗普威胁进行军事干预
Russia has to get out of Venezuela. That's the message President Trump is sending today after a Russian military contingent arrived in the country, raising the stakes in this c
NPR News2019-04-03 -
NPR News:英国议会三度否决脱欧协议 首相梅仍不放弃
This was the day the United Kingdom was going to leave the European Union, nearly three years after it voted to quit the EU in a referendum that shocked the world. Instead, today B
NPR News2019-04-02 -
NPR News:印度成功试射反卫星导弹 引发太空军备升级争论
India announced today that it has successfully tested a satellite-killing weapon. NPR's Geoff Brumfiel has more on the test and what it could mean for the region.
NPR News2019-04-01
NPR News:以色列空袭加沙地带多个哈马斯目标 强力回应火箭袭击
A familiar sound rang out in the Gaza Strip last night.
NPR News2019-03-29
GREENE: It's the sound of Israeli rockets targeting Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Those ai -
NPR News:ISIS失去最后一个据点 但并不意味着ISIS被消灭
U.S.-backed Syrian defense forces announced today they have defeated ISIS holdouts in the town of Baghouz, the last piece of territory held by ISIS. This announcement comes after t
NPR News2019-03-28 -
NPR News:通俄门调查并发现特朗普勾结俄实证 但是否妨碍司法公正难说
Since coming to office, President Trump has maintained that no one in his campaign colluded or conspired with Russia to help him win the election. Now the special counsel investiga
NPR News2019-03-27 -
NPR News:欧盟同意英国延迟脱欧 但给出两个日期
With just eight days to go before the United Kingdom was to leave the European Union, the EU agreed to delay Brexit. The U.K. will not crash out on March 29 as many were increasing
NPR News2019-03-26 -
NPR News:特朗普称美国将承认以色列对戈兰高地主权
President Trump made a major foreign policy announcement by tweet today. He said it was time for the U.S. to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. That's the la
NPR News2019-03-25 -
NPR News:强气旋"伊代"席卷非洲南部 或致莫桑比克千人死亡
A powerful cyclone tore across southern Africa late last week. It is only now that the scale of destruction is becoming clear. Buildings were ripped apart, villages submerged, road
NPR News2019-03-22 -
NPR News:荷兰发生枪击事件致数人伤亡 枪手作案动机不明
Earlier today, a gunman opened fire on a tram in the Netherlands in the city of Utrecht. The city's mayor says three people are dead. Several others are injured. At this hour,
NPR News2019-03-21 -
NPR News:特朗普首次行使否决权 维持国家紧急状态
A showdown over border security and the limits of presidential power came to a head at the White House this afternoon. President Trump used his veto power for the first time, chall
NPR News2019-03-20 -
NPR News:新西兰枪击案致49死 白人至上主义卷土重来
MELISSA BLOCK, BYLINE: In New Zealand, another day of mourning, resolve and questions after the mass shooting in two mosques that left at least 49 dead and dozens more wounded in t
NPR News2019-03-19 -
NPR News:英国议会支持延迟脱欧 需欧盟27国一致同意
The U.K. Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to delay Brexit beyond the country's planned exit date of March 29.
NPR News2019-03-18
JOHN BERCOW: The ayes to th -
NPR News:美国宣布停飞波音737MAX 波音仍坚称飞机安全
The U.S. is grounding the Boeing 737 Max. That line of planes was involved in two deadly crashes in the last five months, most recently over the weekend in Ethiopia. Any 737 Max pl
NPR News2019-03-15 -
NPR News:特朗普将86亿建墙费塞入预算 或为美政府再次关门埋下祸根
President Trump is calling for a big increase in defense spending next year — another $8.6 billion to pay for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and deep cuts to many domestic pr
NPR News2019-03-14 -
NPR News:埃塞俄比亚航空客机坠毁 机上157人无人生还
We begin today with some terrible news. An Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 157 people crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital. The airline says all
NPR News2019-03-13 -
NPR News:委内瑞拉全国大规模停电 马杜罗称遭美国攻击
We're going to start the program today in Venezuela. Just when everybody thought the crisis there couldn't get any worse, it has. The country is in the grip of the biggest
NPR News2019-03-12 -
NPR News:卫星图像显示朝鲜开始重建导弹发射试验场
It appears that North Korea has started rebuilding the facilities it uses to launch satellites into orbit. A missile engine testing stand in North Korea was dismantled last year. T
NPR News2019-03-11 -
NPR News:特鲁多干预司法丑闻升级 加拿大政府又一内阁部长辞职
Around the world, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is widely seen as a liberal icon, championing climate change and human rights for refugees and indigenous peoples. Now, tho
NPR News2019-03-08
栏目广告位二 |