栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:美伊口水战愈演愈烈 伊朗放狠话威胁封锁海峡石油出口
Leaders in Iran seem to be dismissing President Trump's threatening Sunday night tweet. The head of Iran's judiciary described the comments as the, quote, "words of a troub
NPR News2018-07-26 -
NPR News:特朗普警告伊朗不要威胁美国 美伊隔空开骂
The White House says Iran must change its behavior or face the consequences. President Trump has taken a tough line on Iran since he took office. And late last night, he posted a t
NPR News2018-07-25 -
NPR News:特朗普讨论性丑闻封口费 遭前私人律师录音
There are tapes. The New York Times reports that President Trump's longtime lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen recorded a conversation in which he and he president discussed hush m
NPR News2018-07-24 -
NPR News:普京在普特会后首发言 指责美国有势力在破坏美俄关系
President Trump has someone new coming to his defense — Vladimir Putin. Speaking to a conference of Russian diplomats in Moscow today, the Russian president described the summit t
NPR News2018-07-20 -
NPR News:欧盟向谷歌开出50亿美元天价罚单 称其利用安卓系统非法垄断
The European Union is fining Google $5 billion for violating antitrust laws. The EU says the company unfairly games the system by making Android smartphones come equipped with Goog
NPR News2018-07-19 -
NPR News:日本欧盟签署自由贸易协定 联手对抗美国贸易保护主义
The Trump administration is taking a hard line with major U.S. trading partners, so those countries are looking for opportunities elsewhere. The European Union and Japan today sign
NPR News2018-07-19 -
NPR News:伊拉克南部爆发大规模示威致多人伤亡 示威者要求工作和公共服务
Let's turn now to Iraq. The most widespread protests since 2003 are sweeping through the southern part of the country right now. Demonstrators have been gathering for a week. T
NPR News2018-07-18 -
NPR News:普特会前夕通俄门再起波澜 美司法部宣布起诉12名俄罗斯人
The Justice Department says it has identified the culprits who hacked into Democrats' emails in 2016. A grand jury has charged 12 members of the Russian intelligence service wi
NPR News2018-07-17 -
NPR News:特朗普指责梅的脱欧计划 到访英国遭抗议
All right, for some perspective on this story from the U.K., let's bring in NPR London correspondent Frank Langfitt. Good evening, or I guess I should say good morning — pas
NPR News2018-07-16 -
NPR News:日本严重水灾已致170余人死亡 安倍视察灾区
The devastating rains that hit central and western Japan last week have ended, but the risk of landslides and flooding persists. More than 170 people have died, many of them swept
NPR News2018-07-16 -
NPR News:18天生死营救 被困洞穴的泰国少年足球队13人全部获救
With some great news from northern Thailand this morning, all 12 members of a boys soccer team and their coach have been rescued from a flooded cave. The team had been trapped unde
NPR News2018-07-11 -
NPR News:英国脱欧分歧升级 两名重量级部长相继辞职
British Prime Minister Theresa May confronted Parliament today. She's trying to make the case for her plan for the U.K.'s exit from the European Union.
NPR News2018-07-10
NPR News:美国务卿蓬佩奥结束访朝之行 双方说法不一
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is keeping a hopeful outlook after two days of talks in Pyongyang, that despite North Korea's statement that came within hours of Pompeo lea
NPR News2018-07-10 -
NPR News:美共和党代表团访问俄罗斯 为普特会做前期准备
What a difference a couple of months can make. In April, the Trump administration imposed sanctions on people close to Russian President Vladimir Putin to penalize them for Russia&
NPR News2018-07-09 -
NPR News:英国再现神经毒剂中毒事件 与俄间谍案毒物相同
British police say the deadly nerve agent used to attack a former Russian spy in England back in March has now made two more people gravely ill. The couple suddenly fell sick Satur
NPR News2018-07-06 -
NPR News:奥夫拉多尔当选墨西哥新任总统 美墨关系或将发生重大改变
Now to where the U.S. relationship with Mexico stands as a leftist leader prepares to become the country's next president. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ran an anti-establishment ca
NPR News2018-07-04 -
NPR News:加拿大对美加征报复性关税 美加贸易战开打
Today is Canada Day. And on this holiday, Canadian tariffs on nearly $13 billion of U.S. goods took effect. The tariffs are mostly on aluminum and steel, but more than 120 consumer
NPR News2018-07-04 -
NPR News:美国防部长访韩 承诺驻韩美军规模不变
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is on an overseas trip visiting China, South Korea and Japan. In South Korea, he reassured allies that the United States is going to maintain its secur
NPR News2018-07-02 -
NPR News:美马里兰州枪击案至少5人死亡 嫌疑人已被拘押
At the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Md., today — a scene of horror. A shooter opened fire on the newsroom. Police say five are dead. More are wounded. And meanwhile, the Gaz
NPR News2018-07-02 -
NPR News:美国警察开枪射杀非裔高中生 被诉刑事杀人罪
A white police officer fatally shot a black teenager in East Pittsburgh last week. Today, the Allegheny County district attorney charged that officer with homicide. An-Li Herring o
NPR News2018-06-29 -
NPR News:美国制裁在即 伊朗货币里亚尔崩跌引街头抗议
Economic demonstrations are flaring up in Iran again. Angry crowds protesting the plunging value of the Iranian rial briefly closed Tehran's Grand Bazaar.
NPR News2018-06-27
NPR News:土耳其大选初步结果公布 埃尔多安赢得总统和议会选举
In Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won another five years in power. That's according to unofficial results from yesterday's election. NPR's Peter Kenyon repo
NPR News2018-06-27 -
NPR News:津巴布韦总统竞选集会发生爆炸 多名高官民众受伤
This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Michel Martin. In Zimbabwe today, an explosion went off at a presidential campaign rally, injuring some members of the cabinet.
NPR News2018-06-26 -
NPR News:特朗普叫停骨肉分离政策 第一夫人探望移民儿童衣着引争议
One day after reversing his administration's practice of separating immigrant families, President Trump is insisting his zero tolerance policy for illegal border crossings must
NPR News2018-06-25 -
NPR News:特朗普团队前竞选主席马纳福特被判入狱候审
We are following breaking news this morning in the case related to President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who was in a courtroom today. We're going to g
NPR News2018-06-22
栏目广告位二 |