栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:伊拉克举行议会选举 系摆脱ISIS后首次
Iraqis went to the polls today to elect a new Parliament. It's a particularly important election, the first since U.S.-backed Iraqi forces drove ISIS out of a third of Iraqi terri
NPR News2018-05-15 -
NPR News:伊朗以色列爆发直接交火 美国退群后果初显
A simmering military conflict between Israel and Iran got a lot more heated overnight.
NPR News2018-05-14
GREENE: Sirens there as Iranian forces in Syria fired about 20 rocket -
NPR News:对非法入境零容忍 美国司法部长警告拆散偷渡家庭
Attorney General Jeff Sessions insists that from now on, it's zero tolerance. He says anybody crossing the border illegally into the United States will now be prosecuted. That mea
NPR News2018-05-11 -
NPR News:特朗普宣布美国退出伊朗核协议 并对伊实施最高级别制裁
President Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from the landmark international deal curbing Iran's nuclear program.
NPR News2018-05-10
NPR News:大众集团前CEO文德恩因柴油门遭美国起诉
The former head of the German automaker Volkswagen has been indicted. A U.S. federal grand jury charged VW's former CEO Martin Winterkorn and five other top executives for cons
NPR News2018-05-09 -
NPR News:朝鲜或释放三名被扣押美国人 白宫称"特金会"前表达善意
In 2009, the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, released two American detainees when Bill Clinton visited Pyongyang. Now it seems his son, Kim Jong Un, may release three other Ame
NPR News2018-05-08 -
NPR News:西班牙分离主义组织埃塔宣称彻底解散
The Basque separatist group known as ETA is calling it quits. ETA was founded in 1959. It's spent the nearly six decades since fighting for Basque nationalism and independence,
NPR News2018-05-07 -
NPR News:蓬佩奥就任美国务卿 特朗普任总统后首赴国务院
President Trump seems to be trying to turn the page with U.S. diplomats who have felt sidelined and demoralized by his administration. For the first time since he's been in off
NPR News2018-05-04 -
NPR News:以色列称伊朗秘密研发核武 特朗普仍未决定是否退出伊核协议
President Trump is near a decision on whether to keep an agreement with Iran limiting its nuclear program. And the view of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is clear. In a
NPR News2018-05-03 -
NPR News:朝韩首脑共同声明 宣布结束战争状态
The leaders of the two Koreas did a sort of diplomatic dance this morning. You can see it on video. North Korea's Kim Jong Un walked up to a concrete curb which was the borderl
NPR News2018-05-02 -
NPR News:迪亚斯—卡内尔当选古巴新任领导人 卡斯特罗时代将落幕
Cuba has sworn in a new president, one whose last name is not Castro. Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez is an electrical engineer and party-faithful. He's 57 years old, and that means
NPR News2018-04-28 -
NPR News:阿富汗选民登记中心遭炸弹袭击 ISIS宣称负责
Elections in Afghanistan are scheduled for October after a three-year delay amid concerns about voter fraud and poor security. And at least one of those concerns has proven valid t
NPR News2018-04-27 -
NPR News:多伦多汽车撞人事件致10死15伤 嫌犯已被捕
Ten people are dead and 15 more injured after a rental van mowed down pedestrians yesterday in Toronto, Canada. Police there say they have captured a suspect, 25-five-year-old Alek
NPR News2018-04-26 -
NPR News:大规模抗议致死24人 尼加拉瓜取消争议养老金改革
Now to Nicaragua, where as many as two dozen people are dead after protests erupted over changes to the country's pension plan. The student-led protests began last week after P
NPR News2018-04-24 -
NPR News:朝韩首脑热线电话开通 测试通话约四分钟
News this morning — South Korea announced that they have successfully established a new telephone hotline connecting President Moon Jae-in with North Korea's leader, Kim Jong
NPR News2018-04-24 -
NPR News:印度8岁女童遭奸杀引发大规模抗议 莫迪政府被批
A warning about the next four minutes — we're going to examine a grisly, tragic crime in northern India, one that also touches upon larger issues in that country. It's the
NPR News2018-04-24 -
NPR News:特朗普贸易上对安倍步步紧逼 证实美候任国务卿赴朝鲜会见金正恩
President Trump has wrapped up a two-day meeting in Florida with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. They've been talking about the nuclear threat posed by North Korea and some
NPR News2018-04-20 -
NPR News:星巴克宣布下月临时关闭全美超8000家门店 对员工进行反种族歧视培训
Starbucks will close thousands of its U.S. stores on May 29 for training sessions on how to prevent racial bias. Today's announcement is the latest fallout from an incident last w
NPR News2018-04-19 -
NPR News:美国前FBI局长科米出书 曝与特朗普矛盾
Former FBI Director James Comey's memoir runs 304 pages, pages that paint a damning portrait of Donald Trump's presidency and character. The book is officially out next Tue
NPR News2018-04-18 -
NPR News:美英法105枚导弹空袭叙利亚 俄罗斯称是侵略行为
We're going to spend much of the program today getting a range of reaction to last night's military strikes in Syria and trying to get a sense of what comes next. We'll
NPR News2018-04-17 -
NPR News:沙特阿拉伯举行首届时装周 仅对女性观众开放
Fashion models are strutting the catwalks today in Saudi Arabia's capital city as part of the country's first-ever Arab Fashion Week. It's one of several new forms of e
NPR News2018-04-16 -
NPR News:美俄对峙不断升级 联合国安理会未能通过叙利亚化武案决议
The U.S. and Russia are facing off at the U.N. Security Council. This comes as the Trump administration considers military action against Syria. Russia has vetoed a resolution that
NPR News2018-04-13 -
NPR News:特朗普因私人律师遭FBI突袭搜查被激怒 考虑对叙利亚动武
President Trump is lashing out at special counsel Robert Mueller after an FBI raid on his personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Here's what's happening. Cohen's lawyer said
NPR News2018-04-12 -
NPR News:德国男子驾车闹市撞人致2死20伤 嫌犯自杀身亡
In Germany today, a man drove a van into a crowd of people in the western city of Muenster, leaving people dead and injured. Police investigators are looking into the motive. NPR&#
NPR News2018-04-10 -
NPR News:YouTube总部枪击事件致1死3伤 女性枪手自杀身亡
Police say a woman opened fire at YouTube's offices in San Bruno, Calif., around lunchtime today. She is dead, police say from a self-inflicted wound. Three people were taken t
NPR News2018-04-09
栏目广告位二 |