栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:中国对美国128项商品加征关税 中美贸易战硝烟再起
President Trump is targeting China on trade, and now China is fighting back. Starting today, the Chinese government will be imposing 3 billion dollars' worth of new tariffs on
NPR News2018-04-08 -
NPR News:俄罗斯宣布驱逐60名美国外交官并关闭美驻俄总领事馆
Yesterday Russia hit back for the expulsion of 60 of its diplomats from the United States and for the closure of its consulate in Seattle. Now 60 American diplomats in Russia have
NPR News2018-04-08 -
NPR News:巴勒斯坦加沙发起6周大抗议 与以色列军方冲突致16人死亡
We're going to turn now to the border between Israel and Gaza, where at least 16 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire, and more than 1,000 were injured yesterday. It was th
NPR News2018-04-03 -
NPR News:委内瑞拉越狱暴乱引发火灾致68人死亡 死者多数是囚犯
It seems like barely a day goes by without a new crisis in Venezuela. The economy has collapsed. The country is desperately short of food and medicine. And now we have news of anot
NPR News2018-04-02 -
NPR News:剑桥分析被曝干涉英国脱欧 扎克伯格拒绝到英议会作证
In Britain, a special parliamentary committee is investigating whether Cambridge Analytica used the data it got from Facebook to influence the Brexit vote. Today the committee hear
NPR News2018-04-02 -
NPR News:超20国驱逐100余名俄罗斯外交官 俄方强烈抗议表示必将回应
Now to Moscow to hear about the Kremlin's reaction to the expulsion of more than a hundred of its diplomats from the U.S. and two dozen other countries. The coordinated move is
NPR News2018-04-02 -
NPR News:俄罗斯购物中心大火致64死 4名涉案人员被刑事拘留
There is shock in Russia this morning after a fire tore through a shopping mall in Siberia, killing at least 64 people. The fire started on Sunday afternoon, and many of the victim
NPR News2018-04-02 -
NPR News:美国华盛顿爆发大规模控枪游行 白宫发表声明表示赞赏
NPR's Brakkton Booker was at the marquee event here in Washington. It featured emotional speeches from students and survivors of gun violence.
NPR News2018-03-27
NPR News:法国南部恐袭事件致3人死亡 袭击者被警方击毙
Now to the southwest of France, where a man who pledged allegiance to ISIS has killed three people. His violent rampage began when he hijacked a car. It culminated when he took sta
NPR News2018-03-27 -
NPR News:美奥斯汀连环爆炸案嫌疑人自杀身亡 留下认罪视频但未提动机
Investigators in Austin, Texas, have new information about the man who terrorized that city for three weeks with homemade bombs. The man's name is Mark Conditt. And in the hour
NPR News2018-03-23 -
NPR News:沙特王储访美签军火大单 特朗普称两国关系空前友好
Saudi Arabia's crown prince paid President Trump a visit today. The White House was Mohammed bin Salman's first stop on a tour of the U.S. The presidential greeting was meant to
NPR News2018-03-22 -
NPR News:无人驾驶汽车首次撞死行人 Uber道路测试计划紧急停止
A self-driving car operated by Uber struck and killed a woman this weekend. It happened in Tempe, Ariz., and is thought to be the first pedestrian death involving an autonomous veh
NPR News2018-03-21 -
NPR News:普京以压倒性优势刻俄罗斯大选 再获六年总统任期
It's not a surprise — today's presidential election in Russia gave Vladimir Putin another six-year term in office. That is in addition to the 18 years he has already been
NPR News2018-03-21 -
NPR News:斯洛伐克记者被谋杀事件持续发酵 斯总理辞职平息局势
The killing of a journalist in a central European country of Slovakia has now led to the collapse of the government there. The journalist was murdered together with his fiancee aft
NPR News2018-03-19 -
NPR News:间谍中毒事件毒害英俄关系 英国宣布将驱逐23名俄罗斯外交官
Today, British Prime Minister Theresa May ordered the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats from the UK. This is in response to the poisoning of a Russian double agent and his daughter
NPR News2018-03-19 -
NPR News:蒂勒森离职声明绝口不提特朗普 中情局局长将接任国务卿
The firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson played out in dramatic fashion today. President Trump announced it this morning in a tweet saying he had chosen a replacement — CIA
NPR News2018-03-16 -
NPR News:法国男性公开讨论女性身体吹口哨骚扰 或将被罚款
The French parliament is set to debate a new law this month that would penalize sexual violence. Under one provision, unwanted catcalls in the street could soon draw a more-than-$1
NPR News2018-03-15 -
NPR News:俄前特工在英中毒案持续发酵 英国认为俄罗斯是幕后黑手
The British government believes Russia was most probably behind the poisoning of a father and daughter last week. The father was a Russian exile and former Russian spy. Prime Minis
NPR News2018-03-13 -
NPR News:特朗普同意与金正恩会面 白宫启动筹备工作
President Trump surprised the world last night when he accepted an invitation to meet face to face with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Now comes the hard part. There are a lot of
NPR News2018-03-13 -
NPR News:特朗普正式签署钢铝进口关税令 墨西哥加拿大获得豁免
President Trump is making good on his pledge to protect the U.S. steel and aluminum industries. This afternoon, the president ordered steep tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.
NPR News2018-03-09 -
NPR News:白宫首席经济顾问辞职 因不满特朗普关税措施
President Trump is losing another key member of his senior White House staff. His top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, is stepping down. His departure comes less than a week after Trum
NPR News2018-03-09 -
NPR News:以色列总理内塔尼亚胡再会特朗普 伊朗成核心议题
All right, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is here in Washington today. He's meeting with President Trump. Before their meeting, their fifth so far, Netanyahu thanked
NPR News2018-03-08 -
NPR News:意大利选举民粹主义政党崛起 或将产生悬浮议会陷政治僵局
We do not have final results from Italy's election, but we do know enough to say that about half of all voters leaned rightward. They voted for euroskeptic parties that do not
NPR News2018-03-07 -
NPR News:博科圣地绑架110名女学生 尼日利亚政府解救不力引不满
The Nigerian government is under mounting pressure to find 110 schoolgirls who were kidnapped more than a week ago in northeast Nigeria, likely by Boko Haram. This latest mass kidn
NPR News2018-03-05 -
NPR News:俄大选在即普京发表霸气国情咨文 秀新型军备警告美国
Pretty frightening language coming from Russia this morning. Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, was giving his state-of-the-nation speech, and he delivered a sharp warning to
NPR News2018-03-05
栏目广告位二 |