栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:难民问题引发德国内讧 默克尔面临下台危机
Germany is facing a major political crisis over immigration. It threatens to topple the government and potentially end the political career of Chancellor Angela Merkel. A regional
NPR News2018-06-21 -
NPR News:哥伦比亚41岁新总统杜克8月就职 或将改写和平协议
Colombia has elected a new president. Ivan Duque is his name. He's a conservative, and he defeated a onetime leftist rebel named Gustavo Petro. The winner promises to be tough
NPR News2018-06-20 -
NPR News:蓬佩奥向朝鲜邻国介绍金特会成果 特朗普政府对中国加征关税在即
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with leaders in South Korea and China today. He's briefing them on the agreement reached between President Trump and North Korea's leader
NPR News2018-06-15 -
NPR News:多国联军开始进攻也门荷台达 打击胡塞武装抑制伊朗
The military offensive that aid groups and the United Nations had feared in Yemen's disastrous civil war, that offensive has begun. The coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Un
NPR News2018-06-15 -
NPR News:朝美首脑新加坡举行历史性会晤 签联合声明约定建设新关系
President Trump is on his way home from his historic meeting with North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, in Singapore. There, the two leaders agreed to set aside decades of tension betw
NPR News2018-06-14 -
NPR News:特朗普拒签G7公报遭指责 欧盟将对美开征报复性关税
All right, let's get the view from Europe now after President Trump scuttled that G-7 summit communique and lashed out at European leaders. As NPR's Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson
NPR News2018-06-13 -
NPR News:因受安全威胁 国际红十字会从也门撤出71名工作人员
The U.N. calls Yemen the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. And here's another sign of just how bad the civil war there has become. Yesterday, the International Committee of
NPR News2018-06-11 -
NPR News:特朗普特赦曾祖母级毒贩 卡戴珊游说见成效
President Trump is once again using his power to grant clemency. Today, he commuted the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson, a woman serving life in federal prison for drug conspiracy
NPR News2018-06-11 -
NPR News:埃塞俄比亚结束紧急状态 与邻国厄立特里亚和解
Ethiopia has made some surprising moves. The ancient nation in the Horn of Africa ended a state of emergency. The country's parliament did that sooner than planned, and then th
NPR News2018-06-08 -
NPR News:意大利组建民粹主义政府 引发欧洲恐慌
Italy's president has allowed two populist parties to form a government there. It's a development that raises major questions about the country's role in the European c
NPR News2018-06-07 -
NPR News:危地马拉富埃戈火山喷发 致62人死亡百万人受灾
Rescuers in Guatemala have saved at least 10 people from ash drifts and mudflows after the eruption of the volcano known as Fuego, Spanish for fire. The volcano exploded on Sunday,
NPR News2018-06-06 -
NPR News:罢工演变成反政府示威 约旦民众抗议物价和增税
There have been antigovernment protests in the Middle East kingdom of Jordan. It's one of the most stable countries in the region and a key U.S. ally, so any unrest there, whic
NPR News2018-06-05 -
NPR News:特朗普大挥关税屠刀 盟友称将以牙还牙
It's been three months since President Trump declared trade wars are good and easy to win. That theory is about to be tested. The administration is imposing stiff new tariffs j
NPR News2018-06-04 -
NPR News:塞申斯回避对俄调查 特朗普要求赛转变立场
President Trump said just yesterday he needed to focus less of his energy on the Russia investigation. He does not seem to be taking his own advice. This morning on Twitter, Trump
NPR News2018-06-01 -
NPR News:朝美磋商金特会 峰会筹备进入最后冲刺阶段
What a difference a few days make. Last week, President Trump called off a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. This week, Kim is sending one of his top advisers to New Yor
NPR News2018-05-30 -
NPR News:法国总统马克龙访俄与普京会面 热点问题谈得拢
French president Emmanuel Macron made a reputation for himself as President Trump's bro on his visit to Washington a month ago. And he may be becoming Russian President Vladimi
NPR News2018-05-29 -
NPR News:特朗普取消与金正恩会晤 将继续对朝鲜实施制裁
The long-awaited summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is off. President Trump canceled those plans today. He was supposed to meet Kim in Singapore nex
NPR News2018-05-25 -
NPR News:刚果民主共和国爆发埃博拉疫情 世卫组织首次用疫苗遏制
Officials from the World Health Organization say progress is being made against the Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo. They add that the crisis remains a threat to the
NPR News2018-05-25 -
NPR News:美国国务卿蓬佩奥对伊朗提12项要求 或实施史上最严厉制裁
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has a long list of demands for Iran. Many countries are still angry that the U.S. has pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, but Pompeo thinks allies w
NPR News2018-05-23 -
NPR News:马杜罗成功连任委内瑞拉总统 美国拒不承认并威胁实施新制裁
Let's turn to the news overnight from Venezuela. President Nicolas Maduro has declared victory in his re-election bid. But the challenge to his leadership is clearly not over. Mad
NPR News2018-05-23 -
NPR News:美国圣达菲高中校园枪击事件已致10死10伤 枪支管控再成焦点
At least nine dead and 10 more injured — those are the official numbers after another school shooting in the United States. This time it happened in Texas at Santa Fe High School
NPR News2018-05-21 -
NPR News:美国第一夫人通过栓塞手术治疗良性肾病
The first lady underwent a medical procedure today to treat what her office calls a benign kidney condition. Her office says it went well and there were no complications. She's ex
NPR News2018-05-21 -
NPR News:因不满美韩联合军演 朝鲜威胁取消金特会
So much buildup to this potential summit between President Trump and North Korea's Leader Kim Jong Un. Hostages were released. Compliments were exchanged, date set, venue chose
NPR News2018-05-18 -
NPR News:82名女性电影人戛纳游行 呼吁性别平等
We'd like to introduce you to the number 82, an especially significant number at this year's Cannes Film Festival because 82 is the number of female directors who've be
NPR News2018-05-16 -
NPR News:美驻以使馆迁至耶路撒冷 引发巴以激烈冲突
This was the day the U.S. opened an embassy in Jerusalem, an endorsement of the Israeli view that the contested city is Israel's capital. The American delegation included Presi
NPR News2018-05-15
栏目广告位二 |