栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:联合国拟以种族清洗罪起诉缅甸将领
UN human rights investigators say they think the top generals in Myanmar should be tried for genocide. The investigators are calling on the UN Security Council to move swiftly and
NPR News2018-08-29 -
NPR News:特朗普宣布与墨西哥达成贸易协定 威胁对加拿大征收汽车关税
The U.S. and Mexico have tentatively agreed to a trade deal. And in today's announcement, President Trump wanted to make one thing clear. This new deal will not be called NAFTA
NPR News2018-08-29 -
NPR News:特朗普指责南非大规模杀害白人农场主 被批煽动种族分裂
President Trump last night told his Twitter followers that he's going to have the State Department look into attacks on white farmers in South Africa. South Africans are now ac
NPR News2018-08-28 -
NPR News:英国新任外交大臣访美要求制裁俄罗斯 俄外长强力回应
The new British foreign secretary, the man who took over after Boris Johnson resigned, is making his first visit to the U.S. since taking office. And he's using his trip to cal
NPR News2018-08-27 -
NPR News:一天内连栽两名亲信 特朗普岌岌可危
OK, big developments today in two federal courtrooms for two close associates of President Trump. In northern Virginia, Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was convi
NPR News2018-08-24 -
NPR News:希腊正式退出救助计划 复苏之路仍然漫长
Greece is formally exiting its bailout loan program today after eight years of austerity and financial reforms. The European Union and the International Monetary Fund financed this
NPR News2018-08-22 -
NPR News:印度喀拉拉邦百年一遇洪灾致350余人死亡 总理莫迪空中视察
It is monsoon season in India, and parts of the country's south are underwater. More than 350 people have died in the southern state of Kerala. These are the worst floods there in
NPR News2018-08-22 -
NPR News:美国撤回2.3亿叙利亚维稳资金 沙特等盟友补缺
The State Department says it is not pulling back from Syria or the fight against ISIS, but it is pulling back some money — $230 million, that is. The Trump administration says it
NPR News2018-08-21 -
NPR News:英国伦敦再遭恐袭 汽车撞向议会大厦致多人受伤
British police are trying to learn more about the man who drove a car into a security barrier at the Houses of Parliament in London early this morning. The incident which is being
NPR News2018-08-20 -
NPR News:意大利热那亚高架桥大雨中坍塌 已致数十人死亡
Maybe you've seen the images already this morning — images out of Genoa, Italy, where a bridge that towers over buildings around it is missing a vast section of the span. The
NPR News2018-08-17 -
NPR News:土耳其里拉暴跌 特朗普又宣布钢铝关税翻倍
With a tweet this morning, President Trump intensified a fight with a longtime if contentious U.S. ally, Turkey. The president said the U.S. will double tariffs on Turkish steel an
NPR News2018-08-16 -
NPR News:美航空公司员工偷驾飞机致机毁人亡 2架战机起飞拦截
A man believed to be an airline employee stole an empty plane last night from Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle. Planes in the Seattle area were temporarily grounded. Here's a brief e
NPR News2018-08-15 -
NPR News:沙特联军空袭也门击中一辆大巴 数十无辜儿童殒命
An airstrike in Yemen this week killed dozens of children traveling on a bus on a field trip. It's the latest tragic development in the years-long war that has become one of th
NPR News2018-08-14 -
NPR News:孟加拉国巴士司机飙车撞死学生 政府敷衍态度引发大规模抗议
In the capital of Bangladesh, thousands of students have been marching in the streets to demand safer roads. They've also set up checkpoints to enforce traffic laws that driver
NPR News2018-08-14 -
NPR News:美国重启对伊制裁 伊朗总统批美国不可信
At midnight last night, the U.S. reimposed some of the economic sanctions on Iran that it had lifted after the 2015 nuclear deal. As part of that deal, Iran agreed to limits on its
NPR News2018-08-10 -
NPR News:沙特和加拿大之间的外交争端愈演愈烈
A diplomatic dispute between Saudi Arabia and Canada is escalating. The Saudi government says its national airline will no longer travel to Toronto. It's already expelled the C
NPR News2018-08-09 -
NPR News:印尼龙目岛强震遇难人数上升至90人 大批游客等待撤离
A powerful earthquake has hit the Indonesian resort island of Lombok. Leaving at least 90 people dead, this magnitude 6.9 quake came after Lombok experienced a smaller magnitude 6.
NPR News2018-08-09 -
NPR News:委内瑞拉政府称总统遭无人机暗杀 指责系哥伦比亚阴谋
There is confusion this morning over what Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is calling an attempt on his life. Maduro was giving a televised speech in the capital, Caracas, when
NPR News2018-08-06 -
NPR News:特朗普催促终止通俄门调查 白宫极力澄清
President Trump tweeting on the second day of the trial of Paul Manafort. The president has been criticizing the special counsel probe that led to the indictment of his former camp
NPR News2018-08-06 -
NPR News:津巴布韦大选引发街头冲突 至少3人死亡
Two days after a historic election and before the results are in, Zimbabwe's military has taken over the streets of the capital city, Harare. They're trying to quell protes
NPR News2018-08-03 -
NPR News:美媒称朝鲜正在制造新洲际导弹 金特会成果遭质疑
The Washington Post reports that U.S. spy agencies suspect North Korea is continuing to make new ballistic missiles despite the commitment made between Kim Jong Un and President Tr
NPR News2018-08-02 -
NPR News:巴勒斯坦少女掌掴以色列士兵被监禁 出狱后获总统接见被赞英雄
A 17-year-old Palestinian activist is back home in the West Bank after serving eight months in prison. Ahed Tamimi is not the only young Palestinian who's been jailed by Israel
NPR News2018-08-01 -
NPR News:朝鲜归还55具美军遗骸 特朗普感谢金正恩
During remarks at the White House this morning, President Trump said North Korea has handed over what are believed to be the remains of dozens of U.S. servicemen who died in the Ko
NPR News2018-07-31 -
NPR News:保镖打人事件愈演愈烈 马克龙称对事件负全责
French President Emmanuel Macron is facing a scandal. A video has surfaced of his security aide getting violent with protesters in Paris while off duty. After days of silence, the
NPR News2018-07-30 -
NPR News:特朗普与容克宣布达成协议 欧美贸易战停火
President Trump is cutting deals with the European Union this afternoon. In a joint appearance in the Rose Garden, President Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Jun
NPR News2018-07-27
栏目广告位二 |