栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:印尼强震和海啸救援工作持续进行 食物和饮用水短缺
The cries for help are growing in Indonesia where, days after a massive earthquake and tsunami, many are still waiting for aid. When an 18-foot-high wall of water swept over coasta
NPR News2018-10-09 -
NPR News:美大法官候选人提名全体投票推迟 FBI介入调查性侵指控
We're going to start the program today with the news that has consumed so much of our attention this past week. That, of course, is the fight around the Supreme Court nominatio
NPR News2018-09-30 -
NPR News:德国难民危机影响政治格局 极右翼政党支持率直逼默克尔
Germany's political mainstream likes to dismiss the ascent of the far-right in that country. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel may no longer be able to ignore it. The nationa
NPR News2018-09-30 -
NPR News:特朗普主持安理会会议呼吁制裁伊朗 伊总统称美国陷入孤立
President Trump chaired a meeting of the U.N. Security Council earlier today. That meeting highlighted the divisions among world powers over how to deal with Iran. Trump administra
NPR News2018-09-30 -
NPR News:特朗普联大演讲兜售"美国优先" 炫耀政绩引笑声
President Trump took center stage at the United Nations today. At the annual gathering of the U.N. General Assembly, Trump addressed leaders from around the world and used the oppo
NPR News2018-09-28 -
NPR News:坦桑尼亚维多利亚湖渡轮发生倾覆 船只严重超载
This next story takes us to East Africa to the waters of Lake Victoria. The lake is enormous, just a little smaller than Lake Superior, spread across three parts — spread across p
NPR News2018-09-27 -
NPR News:美国司法部副部长陷离职疑云 被曝曾提及监听总统特朗普
Rod Rosenstein is still the deputy attorney general at the Justice Department despite conflicting reports about his fate earlier today. TV cameras recorded him leaving his home for
NPR News2018-09-26 -
NPR News:金正恩年内访韩 朝鲜将发闭导弹发射场
North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un says he will visit Seoul, South Korea, before the end of this year. That's a big deal for a regime whose leaders have never been known for
NPR News2018-09-25 -
NPR News:俄军机被以军机当掩护遭叙击落 以方承诺配合调查
Russia has said it's winding down military operations in Syria, but its air force still plays a critical role in propping up Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. Last night, Syria
NPR News2018-09-25 -
NPR News:特朗普力挺准大法官没性侵 称会郑重考虑永久驻军波兰
President Trump today forcefully defended his Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh, whose nomination is currently in a state of uncertainty. Kavanaugh faces an accusation of sexual a
NPR News2018-09-21 -
NPR News:俄罗斯土耳其同意在叙伊德利卜省设非军事区 阻止最后一战开打
Syria's government may not use its full strength against the last big rebel enclave in the country. Russia and Turkey worked out a deal to prevent a full assault. And this matt
NPR News2018-09-20 -
NPR News:美国吊销巴解组织官员家属签证 巴以冲突再升级
Relations between the Trump administration and Palestinian officials continue to deteriorate. A Palestinian official says the U.S. has revoked the visas of a Palestinian envoy'
NPR News2018-09-19 -
NPR News:特朗普前竞选经理马纳福特认罪 将配合通俄门调查
Paul Manafort has turned state's evidence. He pleaded guilty to two felony charges and has agreed to cooperate with the special counsel's investigation. His lawyer addresse
NPR News2018-09-18 -
NPR News:波多黎各将飓风死亡人数改为3000 特朗普不满称数据被夸大
Just as Americans prepare for an approaching hurricane, President Trump has seized attention by offering a conspiracy theory about an earlier storm. The new storm is Florence, appr
NPR News2018-09-17 -
NPR News:俄罗斯延迟退休方案引抗议 普京支持率下滑
The retirement age in Russia is 60 for men and 55 for women. Vladimir Putin wants to raise both by five years, and Russians are upset. Over the weekend, there were dozens of protes
NPR News2018-09-14 -
NPR News:美国宣布关闭巴解放组织驻美办公室 公开指责国际刑事法院
The Trump administration is closing down the diplomatic mission that represents Palestinians in Washington. The U.S. has also been cutting aid — hundreds of millions of dollars —
NPR News2018-09-13 -
NPR News:瑞典选举结果产生组阁难题 极右翼崛起搅动政坛
Nationalist, anti-immigrant political parties have been making inroads in elections across Europe. It has happened again. This time, in Sweden. The ruling center-left Socialist Dem
NPR News2018-09-12 -
NPR News:印度最高法院做出历史性裁决 成年人同性性行为不再是犯罪
LGBTQ activists are celebrating across India tonight after a landmark ruling from India's Supreme Court. The court overturned a law criminalizing gay sex that had been on the b
NPR News2018-09-11 -
NPR News:高官匿名刊文《纽约时报》炮轰特朗普 白宫怒斥作者是胆小鬼
The New York Times has published an op-ed today by a person the newspaper says is a senior official in the Trump administration, an unsigned editorial that is sharply critical of t
NPR News2018-09-07 -
NPR News:阿富汗塔利班称哈卡尼网络创建者去世
This week, Army General Scott Miller became the ninth U.S. general in 17 years of war to assume command of NATO forces in Afghanistan. One of his challenges will be the group known
NPR News2018-09-07 -
NPR News:非法获取国家机密文件罪名成立 缅甸判处路透社记者7年监禁
Two journalists working for Reuters in Myanmar have been found guilty of breaking a law on state secrets.
NPR News2018-09-06
GREENE: This was the scene outside as the two journalists le -
NPR News:巴西国家博物馆发生大火 两百年珍藏恐烧毁
When a building is destroyed by fire, there are certain losses that even the best insurance policy cannot possibly replace. And that is surely true at Brazil's National Museum
NPR News2018-09-05 -
NPR News:俄罗斯将举办40年来最大规模军演 和平使命2018反恐演习打响
Next month, the Russian military plans to hold its largest war games in four decades. The Defense Ministry says more than 300,000 soldiers will take part in the exercises known as
NPR News2018-09-04 -
NPR News:美防长暗示或重启美韩军演 朝鲜半岛局势恐生变
President Trump calls them war games. The Pentagon calls them military exercises or, simply, training. And that's at the heart of some confusion between the White House and the
NPR News2018-09-03 -
NPR News:津巴布韦法院终审裁定姆南加古瓦赢得总统选举获得连任
Big moment in Zimbabwe this morning. A court in that country has thrown out a challenge to Emmerson Mnangagwa's victory in last month's election.
NPR News2018-08-31
栏目广告位二 |