栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:特朗普前私人律师科恩获刑三年 AMI承认收买特朗普性丑闻
President Trump has been tweeting this morning about the Mueller investigation and also about his former lawyer, Michael Cohen. In part, the president said, quote, "I never directe
NPR News2018-12-18 -
NPR News:英首相挺过不信任投票 继续推进脱欧进程
While the vote ends a feverish day of speculation in the capital, the prime minister still faces many challenges. NPR's London correspondent Frank Langfitt is here to explain i
NPR News2018-12-17 -
NPR News:法国斯特拉斯堡发生枪击事件 嫌犯仍在逃
Officials say four people are in custody in Strasbourg, France. This after a shooter opened fire near the city's famous Christmas market yesterday. Authorities say at least two
NPR News2018-12-14 -
NPR News:马克龙发表电视讲话宣布提高最低薪资 安抚黄背心抗议者
French President Emmanuel Macron has once again bowed under pressure from yellow-vested protesters. He first overturned the carbon tax on fuel that sparked the protests. Now he'
NPR News2018-12-13 -
NPR News:德国基民盟迎"后默克尔时代" 小默克尔当选新主席
In Germany, the ruling Christian Democrats, or CDU, have chosen a successor to Angela Merkel for the position of party chair. While Merkel intends to continue to serve out her fina
NPR News2018-12-12 -
NPR News:老布什国葬仪式在美举行 小布什含泪致悼词
With the sounds of "Hail To The Chief," former President George Herbert Walker Bush began his final day in Washington. The flag-draped casket of the former president, vice presiden
NPR News2018-12-11 -
NPR News:墨西哥总统新官上任三把火 出台一系列重磅措施
And now to Mexico, which has a new president. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is promising to get rid of corrupt politicians and bring jobs and opportunities to millions. He took the o
NPR News2018-12-10 -
NPR News:卡塔尔宣布退出欧佩克 将重点发展天然气
The Persian Gulf nation of Qatar says it will pull out of OPEC. OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. It's a cartel designed to manage oil prices for its m
NPR News2018-12-07 -
NPR News:中美贸易战休战90天 特朗普将终止北美自贸协定
China and the United States struck a truce in their trade war at the G-20 summit last night. The White House says it has delayed slapping on more tariffs, and China says it will bu
NPR News2018-12-06 -
NPR News:特朗普取消与普京G20期间会晤 美墨加三国签新贸易协定
All eyes were on President Trump's first day at the G-20 summit in Argentina. He's working his way through a series of meetings there. Trump's visit comes on the heels
NPR News2018-12-05 -
NPR News:特朗普前私人律师认罪 承认曾在"通俄门"调查中作伪证
President Trump has dismissed a new guilty plea made by his former lawyer Michael Cohen in federal court today. Cohen admitted he lied to Congress about negotiations he had in 2016
NPR News2018-12-04 -
NPR News:特朗普不满通用计划关闭美国4家工厂 威胁削减联邦补贴
The announcement from General Motors that it will halt production at five North American factories, including four in the U.S., prompted disappointment from President Trump. And to
NPR News2018-12-03 -
NPR News:大篷车移民硬闯美墨边境 美方动用催泪瓦斯驱散
Mexico says 98 Central American migrants are being deported after they tried to rush the U.S. border between Tijuana and San Diego on Sunday. That is the day U.S. agents fired tear
NPR News2018-11-30 -
NPR News:俄罗斯乌克兰爆发海上冲突 乌克兰实施戒严令
In Ukraine, lawmakers have voted to impose martial law in the country for the next month. This comes after a naval clash with Russia off the coast of Crimea on Sunday. The seizure
NPR News2018-11-29 -
NPR News:英国与欧盟签署脱欧协议 脱欧进程仍存变数
After a messy year-and-a-half-long battle, European leaders today signed off on a divorce deal for the United Kingdom, which is leaving the European Union in March. British Prime M
NPR News2018-11-28 -
NPR News:"黄背心"运动席卷法国 民众街头抗议油价上涨
As he tries to transform the economy of France, President Emmanuel Macron has faced off and won against organized unions, but now he faces a problem from a leaderless grassroots pr
NPR News2018-11-27 -
NPR News:美国芝加哥医院枪击案致4死 枪手与一名受害者有亲属关系
Four people are dead after a mass shooting at Mercy Hospital in Chicago yesterday. They include a doctor and a Chicago police officer. WBEZ's Miles Bryan reports.
NPR News2018-11-26
NPR News:美国首席法官罕见批评特朗普 奥巴马躺枪
In an extraordinary move, the chief justice of the United States, John Roberts, has released a statement rebuking President Trump for comments he made yesterday disparaging a feder
NPR News2018-11-23 -
NPR News:特朗普发表声明力挺沙特王储 称抛弃沙特太可怕
President Trump is sticking with Saudi Arabia and that country's volatile crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. The president issued a statement today saying the U.S. will remain
NPR News2018-11-22 -
NPR News:特朗普女儿伊万卡也陷邮件门 用私人邮箱处理政府事务
Throughout last year, Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails to government officials using a personal email account. That's according to The Washington Post. Carol Leonnig is one
NPR News2018-11-21 -
NPR News:英国首相面临不信任案 脱欧协议惹众怒
The U.K. is waiting to see if Prime Minister Theresa May is going to keep her job or whether enough members of Parliament from her own Conservative Party want to trigger a vote of
NPR News2018-11-20 -
NPR News:沙特检方要求判5名哈苏吉案涉案人员死刑 美国宣布制裁17名涉案者
The U.S. Treasury Department has announced sanctions against 17 Saudi officials it says were involved in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. They'll be cut off from U.S. businesses
NPR News2018-11-19 -
NPR News:脱欧协议草案在英国内阁获支持 但考验仍未结束
After a marathon meeting at 10 Downing Street, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May announced that her cabinet is backing a controversial withdrawal agreement with the European Union.
NPR News2018-11-16 -
NPR News:土耳其与多国分享沙特记者遇害录音 美国迫于压力停止为沙特空中加油
This weekend, Turkey's president said for the first time that he had given audiotapes of the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi to officials in a number of Western cou
NPR News2018-11-15 -
NPR News:多国领导人在巴黎纪念一战百年 呼吁警惕民族主义
President Trump joined French President Emmanuel Macron and more than 70 other world leaders in France over the weekend. This was to mark a hundred years since the end of World War
NPR News2018-11-14
栏目广告位二 |