栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:特朗普CPAC大会脱稿演讲痛骂两小时 民主党和通俄门调查统统不放过
President Trump had a lot to say about those congressional investigations when he spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference today, which was held just outside Washingto
NPR News2019-03-07 -
NPR News:趁特朗普赴越南会晤金正恩 前律师国会作证狂爆猛料
President Trump was in Vietnam when his former lawyer testified before Congress.
NPR News2019-03-06
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I tried to watch as much as I could. I -
NPR News:第二次金特会提前结束 美朝各执一词
President Trump is returning to Washington empty-handed — no new agreement with North Korea on nuclear weapons. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un cut their summit in Vietn
NPR News2019-03-05 -
NPR News:美国会众议院通过决议 阻止特朗普紧急状态令生效
A border wall, constitutional powers and what qualifies as an emergency — they were all up for debate in the House today, which voted to block President Trump's national emerg
NPR News2019-03-04 -
NPR News:布哈里成功连任尼日利亚总统 反对党拒绝接受大选结果
Nigeria's incumbent president, Muhammadu Buhari, has been re-elected. He defeated his main opponent by almost 4 million votes. But that opponent says he will challenge the resu
NPR News2019-03-01 -
NPR News:伊朗外长扎里夫突然辞职 暗示政治内斗为主因
A news item out of Iran today suggests the unusual prominence of Iran's foreign minister. Mohammad Javad Zarif announced his resignation yesterday, and today the Iranian stock
NPR News2019-02-28 -
NPR News:委内瑞拉宣布与哥伦比亚断交 哥委边境多个地区发生冲突
We're going to begin the program in Venezuela, where violence has broken out at the border with Colombia. Venezuelan troops fired tear gas and stopped crowds trying to bring hu
NPR News2019-02-27 -
NPR News:普京发表国情咨文 警告称俄罗斯导弹或被迫对准美国
Russian President Vladimir Putin says he is prepared to target Russian weapons at the United States if the United States builds up its missile forces in Europe. This threat comes a
NPR News2019-02-26 -
NPR News:海地民众举行反政府示威 5名美国人被捕
After more than a week of violence and unrest, anti-government protests have quieted in the streets of Port-au-Prince, though the opposition is calling for them to resume. Demonstr
NPR News2019-02-25 -
NPR News:克什米尔自杀式爆炸袭击致40死 印度与巴基斯坦关系急剧恶化
The latest on Kashmir, that's the disputed region in the Himalayas split between Indian and Pakistani control. This past week saw a suicide car bomb that killed some 40 Indian
NPR News2019-02-22 -
NPR News:美国奥罗拉枪击案致5死多伤 枪手事发前遭开除
A man opened fire at a factory in Aurora, Ill., today, killing five people and wounding several more. The victims include police officers who were responding to the shooting. The g
NPR News2019-02-21 -
NPR News:尼日利亚大选因准备工作不足被推迟一周
Nigeria's president has appealed for calm after the last-minute postponement of today's highly anticipated elections. The head of the electoral commission, Mahmood Yakubu,
NPR News2019-02-20 -
NPR News:特朗普宣布国家紧急状态 执意修建美墨边境墙
The government will not shut down when the clock strikes midnight tonight. President Trump has signed a border security and government funding bill that will keep the federal gover
NPR News2019-02-19 -
NPR News:空客A380客机将于2021年停产 将影响3500个工作岗位
The largest commercial jumbo jet ever built will soon be flying off into the sunset. Airbus says it will stop making its gigantic A380 plane in 2021. It's a plane so big that i
NPR News2019-02-18 -
NPR News:美国援助物资抵达委内瑞拉边界 遭委总统马杜罗拒收
The Venezuela-Colombia border — humanitarian aid from the U.S. sits on the Colombian side of that border, although it's intended for people inside Venezuela. If they were to r
NPR News2019-02-15 -
NPR News:墨西哥大毒枭古兹曼被判罪名成立 或将面临终身监禁
After two prison breaks, years on the run and an extradition, the road to justice for one of Mexico's most notorious drug lords ended today in a federal courtroom in Brooklyn.
NPR News2019-02-14 -
NPR News:韩美草签驻韩美军军费分摊协定 韩国再多掏8.2%
So the Trump administration is pressing U.S. allies to pay more for the stationing of U.S. troops in their countries. The U.S. has been locked in a dispute over this issue with Sou
NPR News2019-02-13 -
NPR News:美国宣布暂停履行《中导条约》 指责俄罗斯违反规定
The United States will withdraw from a Cold War-era arms control treaty. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says talks between the United States and Russia — the parties here have fai
NPR News2019-02-02 -
NPR News:欧盟拒绝重新谈判 英国脱欧前景陷入迷茫
British Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to head to Brussels to try and renegotiate her Brexit withdrawal agreement with the European Union. Some of the sharpest opposition t
NPR News2019-02-02 -
NPR News:美国制裁委内瑞拉石油公司 逼委总统马杜罗交权
Yesterday the U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions that effectively halt U.S. purchases of oil from Venezuela. It's the most drastic step so far in Washington's eff
NPR News2019-02-01 -
NPR News:菲律宾教堂爆炸致百余人死伤 效忠ISIS的武装组织宣称负责
The president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, got a firsthand look today at the devastation from a cathedral bombing in the southern city of Jolo. The explosion, during Sunday
NPR News2019-01-31 -
NPR News:巴西一座矿坝决堤已致60死 事故频发惹众怒
We turn now to southern Brazil, where a catastrophic dam collapse has left 60 people dead. Up to 300 others are missing. Catherine Osborn reports that the scale of this tragedy has
NPR News2019-01-30 -
NPR News:美国政府结束史上最长停摆 特朗普暂时妥协重启运作三周
The longest government shutdown in American history is coming to an end.
NPR News2019-01-29
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I am very proud to announce today that we have -
NPR News:自立总统获美国承认 委内瑞拉宣布与美国断交并驱逐外交人员
It's been a day of high political drama in Venezuela. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to demand that President Nicolas Maduro resign. Opposition leader Juan
NPR News2019-01-26 -
NPR News:普京与安倍举行会谈 领土争端磋商进展寥寥
Russia and Japan are still at war, at least on paper. The two neighbours in the Pacific Ocean never signed a peace treaty officially ending World War II. Today Japanese Prime Minis
NPR News2019-01-25
栏目广告位二 |