栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:普京会见蓬佩奥 双方愿修正俄美关系
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Russia's president and foreign minister today in the resort town of Sochi. There is a growing list of issues dividing the two countries
NPR News2019-05-17 -
NPR News:美国司法部长调查通俄门起源
The attorney general says he wants to get to the bottom of how the intelligence community came to investigate the Trump campaign in 2016. Here's William Barr talking to Congres
NPR News2019-05-16 -
NPR News:瑞典检方重启阿桑奇性侵案 引渡至瑞典还是美国取决于英国
Sweden has reopened its investigation into rape allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and Sweden will seek his extradition. The Swedes put their investigation on ho
NPR News2019-05-15 -
NPR News:美司法部长被认定藐视国会 特朗普称将行使行政特权
What does a House committee do now? The committee voted to hold the attorney general in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over a complete document. The committee chairman is
NPR News2019-05-14 -
NPR News:美国退出伊核协议一年后 伊朗宣布中止履行部分条款
It has been one year since President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal. Iran and the other countries have stayed in the agreement. Now, Tehran and Washington are b
NPR News2019-05-13 -
NPR News:朝鲜试射短程导弹 意在提醒美国重返谈判桌
North Korea was caught testing a missile again. It hasn't even been a year since President Trump and Kim Jong Un met for the first time. Earlier this year, the two leaders met
NPR News2019-05-10 -
NPR News:加沙地带巴以冲突致20余人死亡 巴方宣布达成停火协议
After a deadly weekend in Gaza and Israel, there appears to be a pause. Intense fighting in the last couple of days killed at least 23 Palestinians and four Israelis. Loveday Morri
NPR News2019-05-09 -
NPR News:瓜伊多策动政变失败 马杜罗否认曾准备离开委内瑞拉
All right. Let's turn now to Venezuela where the opposition leader there, Juan Guaido, is making a direct plea for people to oust President Nicolas Maduro.
NPR News2019-05-08
NPR News:日本明仁天皇退位 一个时代宣告结束
History is being made in Japan today. The emperor has abdicated, ending his three-decade reign and breaking a long tradition. Emperor Akihito is the first emperor to step down in m
NPR News2019-05-07 -
NPR News:西班牙执政党社会党赢得大选 极右政党首次进入国会
Spain's governing socialist party won the country's elections on Sunday. They fell short of a majority, though, and will need the support of smaller parties to be able to g
NPR News2019-05-06 -
NPR News:美加州枪击案致1死3伤 动机或为仇恨犯罪
In Southern California, as worshipers were gathered at a synagogue to celebrate the last day of Passover, a gunman opened fire in what is being investigated as a hate crime. One pe
NPR News2019-05-04 -
NPR News:特朗普支持拥枪 决定退出合国《武器贸易条约》
President Donald Trump traveled to Indianapolis to stress his support for the National Rifle Association and tout his gun rights record. While he was there, he also announced he wa
NPR News2019-04-30 -
NPR News:普京和金正恩举行首次会晤 单聊近两小时
North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, is looking to diversify his alliances. After his second meeting with President Trump went nowhere back in February, Kim is now in Russia to h
NPR News2019-04-29 -
NPR News:全球第一种疟疾疫苗在非洲试点推广
Today global health officials are making history. They're rolling out the first vaccine aimed at stopping malaria. Malaria infects more than 200 million people a year, and it&#
NPR News2019-04-28 -
NPR News:ISIS认领斯里兰卡连环爆炸 斯政府承认曾收警告但未重视
We'll begin this hour in Sri Lanka, which is still reeling from the suicide bombings on Easter Sunday. The explosions at churches and hotels killed more than 350 people and wou
NPR News2019-04-25 -
NPR News:特朗普政府全面终止伊朗石油进口豁免权
The Trump administration is sending a warning to China, India and others. Stop importing oil from Iran, or risk U.S. sanctions. It's part of a pressure campaign meant to force Ira
NPR News2019-04-25 -
NPR News:喜剧演员泽连斯基当选乌克兰新总统
Art is imitating life in Ukraine. Almost all the votes have been counted in the presidential election there, and the winner is a comedian who plays a president on television.
NPR News2019-04-24
(SOU -
NPR News:通俄门报告删节版公布 特朗普曾自称总统生涯将终结
The Mueller report is out. For nearly two years, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team investigated questions about Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether Pres
NPR News2019-04-24 -
NPR News:美国宣布对委内瑞拉和古巴实行新制裁措施
The Trump Administration announced new measures today aimed at both ending the rule of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and finishing off Cuba's communist regime. The announ
NPR News2019-04-19 -
NPR News:巴黎圣母院燃起熊熊大火 塔尖倒塌塔楼幸存
The Spire of Notre Dame Cathedral has been part of the Parisian skyline for centuries. Today it fell while engulfed in flames. The world stopped to watch the images.
NPR News2019-04-19
NPR News:苏丹爆发军事政变 执政近30年的总统巴希尔下台
After nearly 30 years in power, Sudan's autocratic leader is out in a military coup. Sudan's defense minister announced the news on state TV.
NPR News2019-04-18
NPR News:维基解密创始人阿桑奇被捕 将被引渡至哪里成谜
The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has been arrested this morning in London. The Metropolitan Police say they took him into custody after Assange was evicted from the Ecuado
NPR News2019-04-17 -
NPR News:英国脱欧获准延至万圣节 前景依旧扑朔迷离
The European Union has agreed to extend Brexit until Halloween. That means the U.K. will not crash out of the EU with no deal this Friday. Donald Tusk, president of the European Co
NPR News2019-04-16 -
NPR News:内塔尼亚胡迎第五任期 巴以和谈前景暗淡
After elections yesterday, it looks like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is headed for a fourth consecutive term. In a moment, we'll hear more about Netanyahu's d
NPR News2019-04-15 -
NPR News:美国土安全部面临洗牌 多名高官接连被免职
Now, Nielsen is not the only high-level Homeland Security official to lose a job in the last 24 hours. Earlier today, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders announced that Secre
NPR News2019-04-12
栏目广告位二 |