栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:美司法部监察长公布报告 通俄门调查无政治偏见
The FBI had every right to open its investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. That's the main conclusion from a report by the Justice Department&#
NPR News2019-12-17NPR News:伊朗与美国交换在押人员
An American graduate student imprisoned in Iran on espionage charges has been freed, just as an Iranian scientist was granted early release from a U.S. prison. Iran's foreign m
NPR News2019-12-16NPR News:俄罗斯被世界反兴奋剂机构禁止参加国际大赛4年
The next Olympics are this summer in Tokyo. Russia will not be there. This morning, the World Anti-Doping Agency banned Russia from global sports for the next four years. This is p
NPR News2019-12-13NPR News:退休制度改革引发全国大罢工 法国陷入瘫痪
Strikes and protests paralyzed much of France today over a plan where details haven't even been released. President Emmanuel Macron wants to overhaul the country's retireme
NPR News2019-12-12NPR News:遭调侃视频曝光 特朗普怒批特鲁多是双面人
The NATO summit in London has exposed quite a few rifts over the role of Turkey in the alliance, for one, and President Trump's close relationship with that country and also a
NPR News2019-12-11NPR News:众议院议长佩洛西要求起草弹劾条款 特朗普回应称"那就快点吧"
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it official today. She is asking committee chairmen to draft articles of impeachment against President Trump.
NPR News2019-12-10
NANPR News:特朗普炮轰马克龙北约"脑死亡"言论 北约成员国间矛盾日益尖锐
Leaders from NATO's 29 member countries are meeting in London this morning. For 70 years, U.S. leadership has been at the core of NATO, but President Trump has questioned the v
NPR News2019-12-09NPR News:美国众议院发布弹劾调查报告 特朗普滥用职权并妨碍调查
House Democrats, led by Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, have released a 300-page report on their findings in the ongoing impeachment investigation of President Trump.
NPR News2019-12-06NPR News:总理辞职难解政治乱局 恐惧与暴力蔓延伊拉克
It is a revolution. That's according to one Iraqi man quoted in The Guardian newspaper. More than 400 demonstrators have been killed in Iraq since the anti-government protests
NPR News2019-12-05NPR News:伦敦桥恐袭致2人死亡 路人用独角鲸牙反击
The people who took down a man armed with a knife on London Bridge are being called heroes. One man grabbed a narwhal tusk; another man had a fire extinguisher. Two people were kil
NPR News2019-12-04NPR News:特朗普感恩节突访阿富汗 宣布美国与塔利班对话重启
For people following the news, Thanksgiving was a relatively quiet holiday. For a moment anyway, events in the world did not seem to be moving quite so swiftly as they have in rece
NPR News2019-12-03NPR News:女记者之死震荡马耳他政坛 部长辞职总理办公室主任被捕
The European Union's smallest member state is in crisis over the unsolved murder of a prominent investigative journalist. Two government ministers on the island of Malta have r
NPR News2019-12-02NPR News:哥伦比亚爆发大规模抗议 南美多国深陷动荡
Unrest has spread across South American countries in recent weeks. This is the sound of protests last night in Bogota. Colombians have taken to the streets to express their unhappi
NPR News2019-11-29NPR News:朝鲜给美国划定最后期限 威胁将中止谈判
The Trump administration has tried what it calls a maximum pressure campaign to get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. North Korea recently ramped up a pressure campaign o
NPR News2019-11-28NPR News:因涉爱泼斯坦丑闻 英国安德鲁王子宣布退任王室职务
Britain's Prince Andrew says he is stepping back from his public duties for the foreseeable future. Companies and universities have severed ties with the queen's second son
NPR News2019-11-27NPR News:内塔尼亚胡涉3项罪名被起诉 以色列政治危机恐加剧
In Israel, longtime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been struggling to hold onto his job for months. Now, in a historic development, he faces indictments for bribery, fraud a
NPR News2019-11-26NPR News:塔利班释放两名美澳人质 交换三名被囚禁的高级武装分子
Two teachers from the American University in Kabul were freed by the Taliban today. Kevin King and Timothy Weeks were abducted more than three years ago. The Afghan government free
NPR News2019-11-25NPR News:油价上涨引伊朗百城抗议 美国务卿声援示威者言论遭驳斥
Iran's government is struggling to shut down widespread protests that started after a rise in fuel prices.
NPR News2019-11-22
UNIDENTIFIED PROTESTERS: (Chanting in foreigNPR News:美国改口称约旦河西岸以色列定居点不违反国际法
These days, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rarely visits the State Department's briefing room to speak with reporters. He went today to announce one more pro-Israel move by the
NPR News2019-11-21NPR News:威尼斯遭50年一遇洪灾侵袭 损失高达数亿欧元
Apocalyptic devastation — that's how a local Italian governor described Venice, as the highest tide in 50 years flooded the city of canals. St. Mark's Basilica, the city&#
NPR News2019-11-20NPR News:以色列暗杀巴圣战组织高官 加沙用50枚火箭弹回击
Bahaa Abu el-Atta was in Gaza, that strip of land that Israel has surrounded by fences and walls. Reporter Naomi Zeveloff is covering this story from Tel Aviv. Welcome to the progr
NPR News2019-11-19NPR News:特朗普白宫晤埃尔多安 称没时间看弹劾听证会
Most of official Washington was focused on the impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill today. On the other side of Pennsylvania Avenue, President Trump held talks with Turkish Preside
NPR News2019-11-18NPR News:西班牙公布议会选举结果 政治僵局依然持续
It's now Spain's turn to experience the fragmented politics that have swept through other parts of Europe. Voters cast ballots yesterday in the fourth parliamentary electio
NPR News2019-11-15NPR News:伊拉克示威抗议活动继续 政府派军队镇压
In Baghdad, a major crackdown on anti-government protesters calling for political reforms and an end to corruption.
NPR News2019-11-14
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Overnight, security forcesNPR News:民众抗议军警政变 玻利维亚领导层集体辞职
There are some remarkable political circumstances in Bolivia this morning. It's not clear who the country's president is. Evo Morales has resigned. He was a notable leader
NPR News2019-11-13
栏目广告位二 |