栏目广告位一 |
NPR News:伊朗展开报复 美国驻伊拉克军事基地遭导弹袭击
Iran has launched missile attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq. Iran's government says this is retaliation for an American drone strike that killed a top Iranian commander last week.
NPR News2020-01-21NPR News:伊拉克议会要求美军撤离 五角大楼一片混乱
There are more than 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. And yesterday, Iraq's government told them to get out. That was after a U.S. drone strike killed one of Iran's top generals i
NPR News2020-01-21NPR News:特朗普下令暗杀伊朗将军苏莱曼尼
President Trump ordered the killing of an Iranian general, and now the question is, how might Iran respond? In a few minutes, we'll talk to a former national security adviser t
NPR News2020-01-20NPR News:以色列总理内塔尼亚胡向议会申请豁免权
And let's go next to Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing indictment on corruption charges. Today, he is asking Parliament to give him immunity from prosecuti
NPR News2020-01-17NPR News:伊拉克示威者攻击美国大使馆 美军中东增兵750人
The Pentagon is deploying 750 additional troops to the Middle East after an attack by members of an Iranian-backed militia and their supporters on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. Defe
NPR News2020-01-17NPR News:美军在叙利亚和伊拉克展开空袭 打击民兵组织报复伊朗
U.S. officials describe a series of airstrikes as retaliation against Iran. American warplanes struck five targets in Iraq and Syria. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters
NPR News2020-01-16NPR News:索马里首都遭炸弹袭击致79人死亡 总统指责青年党所为
A truck bomb in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, killed at least 79 people today. More than 100 were injured. It was the worst attack in the city in two years, and the country'
NPR News2020-01-15NPR News:哈萨克斯坦客机坠毁 致12人遇难49人受伤
Let's turn now to the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan, where a commercial passenger jet crashed this morning, with 98 passengers and crew onboard. At least 12 people were
NPR News2020-01-14NPR News:台风"巴蓬"圣诞节侵袭菲律宾 至少造成28人死亡
At least 28 people are dead after a typhoon slammed into the Philippines on Christmas Day. It was the second deadly typhoon to hit the Philippines this month alone and the 21st sto
NPR News2020-01-13NPR News:沙特记者遇害案进展 5人获死刑
Saudi Arabia's public prosecutor announced this morning that five people have been sentenced to death for last year's murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Let's recall that Khash
NPR News2020-01-10NPR News:朝鲜的圣诞礼物虽未如约而至 美国仍不敢放松警惕
North Korea had promised an unspecified Christmas present for the United States if negotiations over the North's nuclear weapons program remained at a standstill. Well, they ar
NPR News2020-01-09NPR News:英国议会下院通过"约翰逊版"脱欧协议草案
Brexit is at hand following an overwhelming vote in the House of Commons yesterday for Prime Minister Boris Johnson's plan to remove Britain from the European Union on January
NPR News2020-01-08NPR News:普京举行年度记者会 为特朗普喊冤
Russian President Vladimir Putin is sounding a lot like the Republican defenders of President Trump. At his annual press conference in Moscow today, Putin said Trump was impeached
NPR News2020-01-07NPR News:美众院通过弹劾条款 特朗普成美国史上第三位遭弹劾总统
The months-long march towards impeachment in the U.S. House ended last night. Donald Trump is now the third U.S. president in history to be impeached.
NPR News2020-01-06
(SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORNPR News:美两党达成巨额支出法案 20年后重启枪支暴力研究
A few lines of a federal spending bill offer meaningful changes in American life. For the first time in decades, the government will fund research on gun violence. The federal gove
NPR News2020-01-06NPR News:印度新公民身份法案排除穆斯林 引发全国大规模抗议
India has deployed its army, cut 4G Internet, imposed curfews and cancelled trains and flights in parts of the northeast. Indian authorities were responding to thousands of people
NPR News2019-12-31NPR News:史上最长气候大会艰难落幕 成果有限分歧仍存
The longest-ever global climate talks ended on Sunday in Madrid but with not much to show. The summit was supposed to get countries on track to meet the targets of the Paris climat
NPR News2019-12-31NPR News:新西兰白岛火山喷发致16人死 受害者及家属不能提起诉讼
Recovery teams in New Zealand are getting ready for what could be a dangerous rescue mission. Here's Deputy Police Commissioner Mike Clement.
NPR News2019-12-31
(SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING)NPR News:叛国罪名成立 巴基斯坦前总统穆沙拉夫被判处死刑
In Pakistan, a country long dominated by its armed forces, a military dictator has been sentenced to death for high treason for suspending the Constitution. But the government says
NPR News2019-12-30NPR News:中美达成第一阶段贸易协议
A year and a half after launching a costly trade war with China, President Trump is calling a truce. Both the White House and Chinese officials say they've reached a phase one
NPR News2019-12-30NPR News:约翰逊赢得英国大选 苏格兰要闹独立
The long, slow Brexit story has just sped up. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party just won a decisive victory in parliamentary elections. This morning,
NPR News2019-12-30NPR News:组阁再失败 以色列明年3月2日举行一年时间内第三次大选
Israel is headed toward its third national election in less than a year. The country is politically divided, the prime minister is facing criminal charges, and compromise seems lik
NPR News2019-12-23NPR News:俄乌首脑会谈 承诺年底前实现停火
Russia's foreign minister drops by Washington today. He meets President Trump, whose story touches Russia again and again. Investigators established that Russia assisted Trump&
NPR News2019-12-20NPR News:美国总统和国务卿分别会见俄外长 双方分歧依旧
Just before President Trump hosted Russia's foreign minister at the White House today, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a warning.
NPR News2019-12-19
MIKENPR News:刚宣布弹劾条款 民主党就送特朗普一次"胜利"
It's hard to imagine Washington more sharply divided than it is today.
NPR News2019-12-18
At 9 a.m. House Democrats announced they'd vote on impeaching President Trump based on two articles.
栏目广告位二 |