


They consult with colleagues and pick its prospective clients. Their virtual company called Invest is a stock exchange based on San Juan Hills High School in California. I think learning from books and and and notes and lectures is important, but this class gives you the opportunity to actually go out and perform.
The officers of the student company practice for a presentation. Their stock exchange exists in the classroom and online. And users’ virtual currency is based on the latest financial technology known as Blockchain. It keeps a record of cryptocurrency transactions across computers linked to peer-to-peer networks. So not only are they learning how to trade equities like they would in the real world, but they’re also getting a little bit of exposure to blockchain technology which is a type of finance management that they will face in the future.

The students are getting ready for a trade show in New York, like this one sponsored by the non-profit educational group Virtual Enterprises International. Students from around the United States showcase business projects. Throughout the year, they’re developing their business plan, implementing their business model, developing websites, practicing interesting shows, making sales to different companies and market places.
This student project goes a step further than other virtual businesses, allowing students to raise virtual money by selling stocks just like on Wall Street. And then we also have to look up things such as insurance policies, such as advertising. We have to create the monthly budgets, so were able to make sure our money is being put out there efficiently.
Students face all the problems of running a business. We have 26 employees which is a lot for a brand new company, and so that’s all that’s obviously been a big challenge for us. With a big job title comes responsibility, says the student company’s chief executive officer. It’s hard to be the CEO and have everyone look up to you and expect great things from you, especially when you know I am so young and I have so little experience of the business world, so it’s been a little bit of a challenge to, you know, come into class and have a plan ready for everyone every day.
But the students say they’re having fun while meeting the challenge that are learning how to run a business.
Micheal Sullivean VOA news San Juan Capistrano California.