
VOA常速英语:甩锅教科书式操作---特朗普称针对拜登不因政治 只因拜登腐败


This is VOA news. I'm David Byrd.
President Donald Trump is formally objecting to Democrats' impeachment inquiries and not saying if he will cooperate with the probe.
AP Washington correspondent Sagar Meghani has the latest from the White House.
He maintains it had nothing to do with a political rivalry.

I don't care about Biden's campaign, but I do care about corruption and says there was a lot of it.
I believe there was tremendous corruption with Biden, whose son Hunter was on the board of Ukrainian gas company while Vice President Biden led the Obama administration's diplomatic dealings with Ukraine.
Presidential scholar Meena Bose notes there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by either Biden.
Well, there are concerns about perceptions of conflict of interest, perhaps. That's a far cry from corruption.
The president says he couldn't have been targeting the Biden campaign because he'd never thought Biden would win the nomination anyway.
Sagar Meghani, at the White House.