The One With The Cat
Joey and Chandler agree to sell their oversized entertainment center; they have a hard time selling it but and easy time being robbed by a prospective buyer, thanks to Joey. Monica goes out with Chip, Rachel's high school prom date; unfortunately, Chip hasn't grown much since Lincoln High. Ross and Rachel continue to bicker about their break-up. Phoebe finds a cat and is convinced it's her mother reincarnated; a poster is found for a missing cat, but no one has the heart to tell Phoebe... except Ross.
Letterman 校内优秀运动员
Rachel 高中时的约会伙伴 Chip 突然打电话来要约 Monica,为此.Rachel 不太愿意。
要知道,Chip 正是 Rachel 当年参加毕业舞会时带去的男伴,他曾经是 the most popular guy in school。Rachel不同意 Monica 的约会,而 Monica 坚持要去,两人因而发生了一点小小的冲突。
Monica 说,我们上的根本就是两所学校。但是,这个 chip 现在混得根本不怎么样,现在的 Monica 和他约会,真是掉 Monica 的价……
Rachel: Okay, that doesn't help me, because we went to the same high school.
Monica: You went to one where you were popular, and you got to ride off Chip's motorcycle, and wear his letterman jacket. I went to one where I wore a band uniform they had to have specially made.
Rachel: (shocked) They had to have that specially made?!
Monica: It was a project for one of the Home Ec classes.
Rachel: (stunned) Oh my God, they told us that was for the mascot!
Monica: Back then, I thought that I would never, ever get the chance to go out with a Chip Matthews, and now he's-he's called me up and asked me out. And the fat girl inside of me really wants to go. I-I owe her this. I never let her eat.
letterman的意思是“a secondary or college student who has been awarded a letter for excellence in an activity,especially a varsity sport”,即“校内优秀运动员”,或“体育特长生”。
参加校际体育赛事(varsity sport)的运动员,一旦获奖都会得到 acloth“letter”,通常是学校的首字母或首字母缩写(school's initial or initials),获奖运动员可以将这个“布字母”和运动衫或是夹克弄到一起,以展示其受到奖励。letterman 这个词并不分性别(not gender-specific),现在非体育赛事也借用奖励 letter 这一传统,例如参加乐队和辩论赛的获奖选手也可能被奖励letter。
在美国,体育特长生尤其受宠,女生对体育好的男生十分崇拜,很多女生都希望自己的男友是个 letterman。Rachel 曾经是Prom Queen,对她而言,和 letterman 约会轻而易举;但是,对 Monica 这个曾经的大胖子来说,她就只能是幻想一下了,因为她的衣服都是特制的,大家要在 Home Ec.课即 Home Economics(家政学)为她来特别缝制。有趣的是,Rachel并不知道这一点,她以为是为球队缝制吉祥物(mascot)呢。
Home Ec.是home economics的简称,也称为family and consumer sciences,是一门集消费者学(consumer science)、营养学(nutrition)、烹饪(cooking)、养育(parenting)、纺织(textiles)等学问的学科(academic discipline)。