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The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line


Chandler becomes further frustrated when he accidentally sees Kathy coming out of the shower. Joey is late for a date with Kathy because he's on a date with someone else; Chandler and Kathy spend time alone together and they kiss; Chandler feels so guilty that he refurnishes the apartment; Kathy breaks up with Joey, and he suspects there is another man; Chandler admits it was him, causing a rift between himself and Joey. Ross rediscovers his musical "sound," but he isn't really as good as he and Phoebe seem to believe; Phoebe doesn't want to perform because she feels dwarfed by Ross's musical gift.
Additional plotline on the DVD release: Rachel experiments with eating in restaurants alone.






Chandle 最终在爱情和道德面前选择了前者,
他还是情不自禁地和 Kathy 深情接吻.Joey 说:
I Kinda got teeling that she's into some other guy.看来 Joey 的直觉还是蛮厉害的,
Chandler 向 Joey 坦白,
Joey 语无伦次地批评 Chandler,难怪,
他做梦也想不到挖墙角的是 Chandler!

Joey: And what?! Did you sleep with her?!

Chandler: No! No! No! I just kissed her.

Joey: What?!! That's even worse!!

Chandler: How is that worse?!

Joey: I don't know! But it's the same!

Chandler: Look, I'm sorry! But there's nothing I can do, I think I'm in love with her!

Joey: Who cares?! You went behind my back! I would never do that to you!

Chandler: You're right, I have no excuses! I was totally over the line.

Joey: Over the line?! You-you're--you're so far past the line, that you-you can't even see the line! The line is a dot to you!


Chandler 向 Joey 坦白说:I was totally over the line.over the line 是说“越过了线、逾越了分寸”,引申为“太过分了!”例如:

一She was over the line this time。so she should make apology to you.(她这次太过分了,她应该向你道歉。)

一Yes.She was.She humiliated me in public.(就是! 她当众羞辱我。)

Joey 感到非常生气,他说:You went behind my back! I would never do that to you! (你在背后对我下手!我对你不可能干出这种事来!)

cross the line 同样可以表示“逾越分寸、过分”,例如:

One of the hardest things to do is challenge your friends and family when

they cross the line.(当家人或朋友做了过分的事时,想要质疑他们显然是一
件很难办的事。) 但是,Sometimes you have to stick to your colors when they

cross the line.(有时当他们做得过分时你必须坚持自己的本色。) 再如:

He had really crossed the line this time and caused me a lot of pain.(他这

在 Friends 第5季第23集中,Ross 在去往 Las Vegas (拉斯维加斯) 的
飞机上,偷偷地给 Rachel 脸上画了胡子捉弄她,Rachel 发现后火冒三丈。
生气地说:Ross,I have been walking around like this since the plane!I can—you have so crossed a line(太过分了).

“过分”还可以说成 excessive。excessive 形容 a quantity,amount’or
degree that is more than what is justifiable,tolerable,or desirable。例如,excessiVE drinking (过量饮酒)。