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The One With All The Haste


The singing man, the bird smell, and the lack of space drive Rachel and Monica to new attempts to get their old apartment back; when they fail to bribe Chandler and Joey with season Knicks tickets, they try making another bet... and lose again, so they have neither the tickets nor the apartment. However, while Joey and Chandler are at a game, Rachel and Monica switch apartments. Chandler objects but Monica and Rachel offer to kiss each other for a full minute if they can keep the apartment. Ross gets an ear-ring. Phoebe tries to knit. Ross hates the fact that Emily has to be gone so much, so he considers asking her to move in with him... but ends up asking her to marry him; she says yes. The gang is shocked to hear the news... especially Rachel.






自从 Monica 与 Rachel 打赌输给 Chandler 和 Joey 之后, Rachel对一切都很不满意.一个周六的早晨,住在公寓对面的一个黑人buddy 一大早就引吭高歌,唱着:
睛空万里……”这就像最后的一根稻草 (the last straw)似的,终于让Rachel 爆发了出来.
她气冲冲地跑出来向 Monica 和 Joey 抱怨.
Rachel: I hate this apartment! I hate the color of these walls! I hate the fact that this place still smells like bird! I hate that singing guy!
Joey: Are you kidding? I love that guy! (Starts singing) Morning's here! Morning is here?
Rachel: Stop it! I will kill you. I hate the fact that my room is so small.
Monica: Hey, I have all the space I need. Just do what I did.
Rachel: Monica, you don't even have a bed, you sleep in a ball on the floor!
Monica: Y'now what? I am really tired of your bellyaching! Okay, I-I worked really hard at making this a nice place for us to live!
Rachel: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Monica: Okay.
Joey: See, this is a great apartment.
Monica: Shut up! This place is a hole!


在 Friends 第4季第6集中,Monica 和 Phoebe 为一位 widow 承办她丈夫的葬礼酒席。酒席完毕,老太太没有付款的意思。Monica 几次提醒,她都想赖账,她还说 Jack used to handle the finances! 这种情形 Monica 始料未及。后来 Phoebe 觉得很不公平,她说:“No! Hey,we're not leaving until

we get paid! I don't know who she thinks she is! Enough is enough! 这里的Enough is enough! 显然是一种抱怨,意识是“够了”! 事后,Phoebe 说“I'm a hard ass.”,意思就是“我可不是好惹的。”“Enough is enough.”在Friends 中出现过好几次,读者可以留意一下。

大家对 Chandler 的那位总是分分合合的女朋友 Janice 一定留有很深的
印象吧。她笑起来像是绵羊在唱歌,非常夸张,标志性的OH……MY……GOD 后加上杀伤性很强的笑声,常常成为众人的噩梦。为了抛弃这个女人,Chandler 不惜借口到也门 (Yemen) 工作。Friends 第4季第15集中,Chandler 把她送走,关上门后,终于说:I can't stand the woman! 这也是一种抱怨.意思是“我受不了这个女人!” Chandler 的抱怨让 Phoebe 感到有点吃惊。不过令 Joey 很宽慰 (relieved),他们都以为:Chandl was crazy
about her!

Ross 有一次突然心血来潮,玩起了大学时代玩的音乐,大家都受不了。

Phoebe 刚开始还是他惟一的知音,但后来她说:Oh my God,he's lost it.

He's totally lost it.Monica 摘下她的耳机问:
“什么”? Rachel 回答说:

“Phoebe,his music could not get any worse.There are rats in the basement

that are hanging themselves.” Could not get any worse.是指不能再糟糕了,糟糕透顶了!

上面的例句中,Rachel 和 Monica 分别用 hate 和 be tried of bellyachhing

等词和短语表示抱怨。Bellyache 是“无故抱怨”的意思,既可以用作名词

(a whining complaint; to express negative feelings,especially of dissatisfactio

or resentment),也可以用作动词(to complain,especially in a whining manner)。例如:

My roommate is always bellyaching about something.(我的舍友经常在抱怨些什么。)

Stop bellyaching.(别发牢骚了!)

Quit your bellyaching!(少发牢骚了!)


其他表示抱怨的词或短语还有be fed up with,complain,例如:

·I’m fed up with you!(我受够你!)

·I want to complain.(我想投诉)

·I want to file(make)a complaint.(我想投诉)

(a habitually)

(omplaining or irritable person)。He has a grotich on(他情绪不好)。grump
是“坏脾气,经常抱怨的人”(a cranky complaining person)。此外,bitch、
