The One With The Nap Partners
Monica tells Rachel and Phoebe to decide who is going to be her Maid of Honor. They can't come to an agreement, so Joey and Ross hold "auditions" for the part. Someone overhears that Monica is marrying Chandler, and wishes a sarcastic "good luck." She turns out to be Julie Graff, whom Chandler dumped when he was 15 because she got fat. Monica convinces him to apologize to her. After watching Die Hard, Ross and Joey fall asleep on the couch and have a very good nap. At first they are very upset that it happened, but eventually they decide to try it again.
看完Die Hard以后,罗斯和乔伊靠在沙发上美美的睡了一觉。
Phoebe: Okay, so after thisaudition, who decides who gets it?
Joey: Oh uh, me and Ross can bethe judges.
Phoebe: (To Rachel) Well, it'dbetter than us deciding.
Rachel: Oh, come on! This iscrazy! Can't we just flip a coin?!
Phoebe: No! Coins hate me!
Joey建议通过试镜比赛来选出Monica婚礼首席伴娘的人选,开始Rachel极为反对,她觉得还是flip a coin(掷硬币)的方式比较好。当遇事难以抉择时,最简单的办法就是flip a coin。例如:Let'sflip a coin to see who go first.(我们来掷硬币来看谁先去。)有时可能为了谁买啤酒之类的小事也要flip a coin:Why not flip acoin for who buy the beer?
在这里我还想提一下pay someone back in his own coin(以其人之道还治其人之身)这个习语。这里的coin不是“硬币”而是“一个国家的通货”的意思。pay someone back的字面意思是“还钱”。因此本条习语可以直译为“支付与借钱的时候用相同的货币”,也就是如果借的是美元就用美元还,如果借的是英镑就用英镑还。从比喻的角度讲,它相当于汉语的“以其人之道还治其人之身”,在使用时常常带有恶劣的情绪。pay someone back in his own coin的使用范例如下:The woman was terribly rude to you.You should have paid her back in her own coin.(那个女人对你太粗暴无礼啦。你应当以其人之道还治其人之身呀。)再如:You can'tcomplain if he turns a deaf ear to your pleas for help.He'sonly paying you back in your own coin for your refusin to help him when he needed you.(如果你在请求他帮忙的时候他根本不理睬,这你可不能抱怨啊。因为过去他需要你伸出援助之手的时候遭到了你的拒绝,现在他只不过是以其人之道还治其人之身而已。)最后一例:Any country who places restrictions on imports canexpect to be paid back in its own coin.(任何国家限制进口,别的国’家也必然会采取同样的措施进行回击。)
7-06-2 试镜大比拼
Joey: Okay, all right, this is how it's going to work.We're gonna give you hypothetical maid of honor situations and you will bescored on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the highest.
Ross: No, 10 is the highest.
Joey: Why is 10 the highest?
Ross: Because it's the highest. (Joey shrugs hisshoulders) Okay, Rachel you're up first. (Rachel stands up and gets ready.)Situation No. 1: You're with Monica, the wedding is about to start when Monicagets cold feet. Go! (Joey is playing the part )
Joey和Ross为Rachel和Phoebe设置的第一个场景是:the wedding is about to start when Monica gets cold feet(婚礼马上就要开始了Monica却退缩了。)看到get cold feet一般人的第一反应大多以为是“脚冷”的意思,其实这只是此习语的字面意义,它通常用于这样的场合:原来计划干什么事情,一旦要开始的时候,却又害怕起来,失去信心,不想去干了。比如你已经答应去作一次演说,但是随着时间的迫近,又开始胆怯了。这句话可以这样用英语表达:I had agreed to give a speech,but as the time ipproached,I began to get cold feel.再比如:She likes mountain climbing,but when she thought about climbing Mount Everest she gottold feet.(她喜好登山,但一想到登珠穆朗玛峰,就怯生生的了。)顺便提一下,“脚冷”在英语中一般用one's feet get cold来表示。
提到feet of clay,有些人可能会联想到《圣经·旧约》中关于巴比伦国国王做梦的故事。国王在一天夜里做了一个梦,梦中他见到一尊巨像,它有金子做的脑袋,银子做的胸部和双臂,腹部和大腿是用铜做的,小腿是用铁做的,而脚却是半铁半泥土做的-o当一块石头打到它的脚上时,他的整个身躯随即也就坍塌了。希伯来先知Daniel对梦中所见巨像作出如下解释:脚的一部分是铁,一部分是泥土,表示国家一部分强一部分弱,又由于铁泥不合,必定造成国家分裂。
feet of clay这个短语的直译意思为“泥足”,其实它确切的解释应该是内在缺陷,或致命弱点(a hidden weakness,usuallyof morals or principles)。有时可以比喻德高望重的人也有意想不到的弱点或缺点。英语里还有一个短语Achilles’heel与此词语有相似之处,都可以表示“要害、致命弱点、薄弱环节或可乘之隙”。我有一个邻居,大家对他的评价是:He is a nice man but he has feet of clay and he's not a verygood listener.(他是个好人,但他却有个弱点,不太善于听取别人的意见。)绝大多数的小男孩都see their fathers as perfect(iX为他们的父亲是完美无暇的)直到长大一些后他们才明白:Even fathers are ordinary merl with feet of clay.(即便是父亲也是具有弱点的普通人。)
美国人从小就教育孩子要stand on their own feet(自立)。一位美国朋友曾告诉我他觉得在中国父母care too much,他说:Idon't care if they were my children.Ican't support them forever.They've got to learn tostand on their own fett.(如果他们是我的孩子,我就不会那么费心,我不能养活他们一辈子,他们必须学会自立才行。)对于世界上一些newlyindependent countries(新成立的国家)来说,They have greatdifficulty standing on their own feet(自力更生对他们来说是非常困难的)。为了加强语气,有时会在feet前力口个two:I don’t want your help.I'm perfectly capable of standing on my own two feet.(我不需要你的帮助,我完全能够自立啦。)
如今的现代生活节奏快、压力大,人们或多或少都会有be dead on one's feet(筋疲力尽)的时候。有些学生平时不努力,考试前sit up studying forseveral nights in a row(接连几个晚上整夜复习功课),结果bv the time of the exam,theyare dead on their feet(到考试时已经筋疲力尽了)。如果想加强语气,那就在dead前加个literally就可以了。比如:My wi fle has beenworking very late recently at the o ffice.Whenshe gets home at night,she is literally dead onher feet.(我的妻子最近在公司加班,每天都干到很晚。当她夜里回到家时,简直累得象一滩稀泥了。)
你或许会问be dead tired也可以用来表示非常疲倦,可不可以与be dead on one's feet互换使用。其实以上的例句都可以用be dead tired来替换。但如果你说话的语气强烈一些,最好用be dead on one’sfeet。