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A convicted killer who escaped from the Indiana State Prison was caught Monday near the Michigan vacation home of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley by an officer on the mayor's security detail, authorities said.


Police warned nearby residents to stay inside because two other escapees were still on the loose. The three men were discovered missing Sunday morning from the maximum-security prison in Michigan City, Ind., apparently escaping through underground tunnels and pipes, the Indiana Department of Correction said.


Daley said he was at his southwestern Michigan vacation home early Monday with his wife and three grandchildren when one of his guards saw two men fitting the descriptions of the escapees near the house in Grand Beach, Mich.

达利说,周一早晨时,他正与妻子以及三个孙子孙女在密歇根西南部的度假别墅度假。一名警卫发现,在靠近Grand Beach的别墅附近,有两个符合逃犯特征的人出没,

The officer caught 48-year-old Charles Smith at gunpoint in a driveway near Daley's home, and police later arrived and took him into custody, said Grand Beach Police Chief Dan Schroeder. The other man ran off into the woods, Daley said.

Grand Beach镇的景观丹·施罗德说,虽处在枪口的威胁之下,他们仍然抓住了48岁的查尔斯·史密斯,并将其拘留。达利称其他人逃进了树林。