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野生动物的最后100次心跳 (一)


人类的发展正在不断蚕食地球上的其他生物,对于濒危物种的保护已经到了刻不容缓的时刻。美国MSNBC电视台斥巨资打造大型生态纪录片《100次心跳》,著名自然学家Jeff Corwin将告诉我们人类如何一手制造了第六次物种大灭绝。

Today, life on earth is under serious threat, with many of our planet species now teetering on the edge of extinction. If we stay in our current course, within the next twenty years, we are at risk of losing one out of every five species living on the planet. And by the middle of this century, more than one million species could vanish forever.

Most vulnerable species that have been reduced to one hundred individuals or less, they are quite literally 100 heartbeats from extinction.
What is the cause? And are we too late to reverse the course?

Our mission is to explore remote and vulnerable ecosystems to witness the species pushed to the brink and the conservation heroes fighting to save them.

"This is always all about."
"He's part of my heart, my soul and I've dedicated to him."

From the jungles of Sumatra, to the African Savana, to the California coast. This is 100 heartbeats.