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"This is the bady here now. We got to figure out how we're going to get this loaded."

For Eric and Gloria Sundback, this is a holiday tradition. Growing a Christmas tree fit for president.

"You are helping make a Christmas for the whole country."

The West Virginia couple both in their eighties have grown four presidential Christmas trees--one for Jimmy Carter, two for Ronald Reagan and now this 18 1/2 foot Douglas fir(道格拉斯冷杉树/黄衫) destined for the Obama White House.

"What we really like this year is that it's going to be a family. The children are there. The family is well knit(knit本来是编制的意思,well knit也就是指一家人生活融洽)."

To provide the White House tree, a farmer has to be crowned by the National Christmas Tree Association. Then White House officials make a visit.

"They are looking for trees that are having good form and for trees that have stronger branches because they use a lot of decarations."

And it takes a lot of hard work to grow that perfect presidential tree. Careful pruning(修剪), experimenting to get the right mix of characteristics and a little tough love.

"She had a word when she would get up in the morning and say, well, fellas, you want to be a Christmas tree now or are you going to wait until later and be toilet paper? That gets the tree growing."

These college sweethearts who have been growing trees for 50 years are hoping to shake the Obama's hands when they drop off this holiday gift but then it's back to work.

"You want to get it go to your head because you have to come back out and work again."

"That's right. "

But they say they are happy knowing their gift will bring joy to the First Family.

"We hope they enjoy it as much as we've enjoyed Christmas as kids so if the tree is good and they enjoy it, that's what it's about."

The tree will be decorated and displayed in the Blue Room where it will take center stage to a host of White House holiday celebrations.

Dan Lothian, cnn, the White House