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South Korean runners are getting into the holiday spirit in style. More than 2,000 of "Santa’s Helpers" took part in a festive run for charity.

Santas stretch, twist, bend and turn. Put a few thousand people in red and white costumes, and even a beard, and suddenly a regular 5km marathon race becomes ten times more fun.

While eager runners take up the front of the starting line, the more laid back families decide it’s better to stroll the park with their little ones.

But at the finish line, it’s back to the competitive spirit. Even though they’re red-faced, sweaty and out of breath, the Santas are proud to complete the run.

Noh Gyeong-Tae, a participant, said, “It feels refreshing and great. I hesitated this morning because it was so cold, but it feels great after the run.”
参与者Noh Gyeong-Tae表示:“我觉得精神焕发,好极了。今早天太冷,我犹豫了,但是跑完之后我感觉很棒。”

Winners were awarded with flowers and gifts, but the true meaning of participating in this event lies in its contributions to charity.

Kim Hyo Seon, a publisher of The Women’s News, said, “This event is focused on donating and keeping healthy. Participants are encouraged to come out instead of staying in-doors during the cold winter, and to give to charity.”
The Women’s News 的出版商Kim Hyo Seon称:“这次活动主要是捐赠和保持健康。鼓励参与者在寒冬里要走出来而不是待在室内,还有就是为慈善捐款。”

The Santas also test out their muscle power in a game of tug-of-war. This may be a charity event, but there is still a lot of room for competitive energy.

It’s three degrees below zero outside, but all this energy and the thought of sharing has kept all two thousand participants warm and ready for Christmas.

Choi Young-Joo, a participant, said, “I came here my friends to make memories before we hit last year of high-school.”
参加者Choi Young-Joo表示:“我和朋友来这里是为了在升高三之前创造回忆。”

Jeon Bu-Seong, a participant, said, “it feels like Christmas already, and I really hope I can make a girlfriend this winter.”
参与者Jeon Bu-Seong表示:“感觉圣诞节已经来了,我真希望在这个冬天可以找到一个女朋友。”

Yang Gi-Eun, a participant, said, “I’m so glad it feels like Christmas today, and it’s even more fun because I’m here with my friends.”
参加者Yang Gi-Eun表示:“我非常开心,感觉今天就是圣诞节,今天甚至更有趣,因为我和朋友在这里。”

With only two more weeks to go until December 25th, people in South Korea are already wishing for a white Christmas.