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In 1804, African slaves in Haiti overthrew their French rulers, creating the world's first Black Republic. But decades of turmoil followed until American president Woodrow Wilson sent US marines there in 1915. And that was the start of an occupation that lasted almost 20 years. The Haitian military then seized power and ruled the country until the dictator Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier declared himself "president for life" in 1957. His son Jean-Claude "baby Doc" took over in 1971. But he was ousted 15 years later. And then after more instability and unrest, former Catholic priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide won Haiti's first free election in 1990. But his presidency didn't last long. He was overthrown in a military coup a year later. Many Haitians tried then to flee to the United States, but were forced back. And fighting broke out in Haiti. And then in 1994, the US sent thousands of troops to maintain order and to restore democracy and Aristide's presidency. But Aristide was overthrown again in 2004. UN peacekeepers returned, and Haiti was making small but significant steps towards progress until the earthquake struck.



overthrow: to remove a leader or government from power, especially by force 推翻
turmoil: a state of confusion, excitement, or anxiety 动乱,骚乱
take over: to take control of something 接管
oust: to force someone out of a position of power, especially so that you can take their place 罢免,革职
coup: a sudden and sometimes violent attempt by citizens or the army to take control of the government 政变