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Plowing a small patch of paddy field, Fang Shunxiao’s wife, 62-year-old Li Liange refuses to give up just yet. Although the field is too small to make a difference, she is determined to make the most of it.

Li said, “I channeled a small puddle of water to this field. It needs to be plowed before we can transplant some rice crops. As long as there’s water, no matter how little, we need to do something.”

Many of Li Liange’s neighbors also share her determination. They are racing against the drought to transplant as many seedlings as possible before the remaining fields dry up. But even these fields are at the mercy of the dry spell.

At Fang Shunxiao’s home, we sit together for a chat. The farmer told me his two children are out working to make up for the losses. Their dog is their only company.


Usually at this time of the year, Fang should be sweating in the fields. Now the sudden break makes him uncomfortable, having nothing else to do but to gaze at the sky and twiddle his thumbs. In a nearby field, some farmers are still working. But with no signs of any precipitation, the prospect of the harvest looks bleak.