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A Swedish mother said, 'Well it’s toxic, that’s what I know, and that doesn’t sound good to give my baby anything that is toxic, particularly when they are small.'

A English mother said, 'I know generally that it's not good for the health of my child but I must admit I haven’t looked into it because as time went on, most products said BPA free anyway.'

But the scientific case is not clear cut. The World Health Organisation and some national European heath regulators have said the levels of BPA are far too small to pose any significant risk.

Marc Vromman, pharmacist in Brussels, said, 'The proof is not really there. The tests have been made by industry and by other scientific research, it’s contradictory. And that’s a big problem I find.'
布鲁塞尔药剂师Marc Vromman说:“证据并不真的存在。工业部和其他科学研究已经进行检验,这是互相矛盾的。那是我发现的一个重大问题。”

The ban’s been imposed by the European Commission in Brussels. It based its decision on findings by European Food Safety Agency, or EFSA, which were also inconclusive.

Frederic Vincent, Spokesman of Health Affairs of European Commission, said, 'The results of the EFSA studies said we MAY have an issue with that, and so we decided to apply the precautionary principle and we decided to ban it.'

The plastics industry has slammed the EU for over-reacting and playing on parent’s fears.

Vanessa Mock said, 'So the scientific debate continues. And the question now is whether other countries will follow the EU’s lead in imposing a ban. Or whether they’ll leave it up to consumers to decide what’s best for their babies.
Vanessa Mock说:“所以,科学争论仍在继续。而现在的问题是其他国家是否会遵循欧盟带头实施的禁令。或者他们是否会让消费者自己选择,决定什么对他们婴儿最好。”