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Al-Qaeda's leadership has chosen longtime number two leader Ayman al-Zawahri to succeed Osama bin Laden as the head of the terrorist network. But the US has dismisssed the importance of the leadership change. Britain and Pakistan also say the leadership of al-Qaeda is not an issue, and that their priority is on eliminating the threat of terrorism.

Little attention is being given to the world's newly-appointed top terrorist.

US defense secretary Robert Gates dismissed the appointment of Ayman al-Zawahri, questioning his skill as a leader.

Gates said, "I think he will face some challenges. Bin Laden has been the leader of al-Qaida since its inception, in that particular context he had a peculiar charisma, that I think Zawahri does not have."

But in some ways, the top position in the world's largest terrorism network is hard to ignore completely. The US military has promised to give Zawahri "the same attention" as they did to bin Laden.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, "He and his organization still threaten us, and as we did both seek to capture and kill, and succeed in killing bin Laden, we certainly do, will do the same thing with Zawahri."

Echoing the US stance, the UK also reiterates its commitment to eliminating terrorism threat. Whoever is leading al-Qaeda barely matters.

Liam Fox, US Defense Minister, said, "Whoever happens to be leading al-Qaeda is in many ways an academic issue, because our resolve is undiminished - the need to rid ourselves of violent extremism under whatever guise is undiminished and we will continue to deploy whatever assets are required to deal with problem in an undiminished way."

Elsewhere, in troubled Pakistan, little comment has been made on Zawahri. Though Pakistan still vows to defend its national security.

Tehmina Janjua, spokesperson of Pakistan Foreign Office, said, "We don't comment on what one terrorist organization does or doesn't do. What is critical for us is that we undertake actions in the context of our national security interests."
巴基斯坦外交部办公室发言人Tehmina Janjua表示:“我们不会就恐怖组织做了什么或没做什么发表评论。对我们来说,重要的是在维护国家安全利益的背景下,我们要采取行动。

Whatever changes the new al-Qaeda leader may bring, one thing is for sure: the war against terrorism is far from over.