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Violent clashes in Athens earlier this week may have hurt Greece's image abroad, but tourism officials believe the sector will rebound this year.

Officials in the tourism industry forecast a 10 percent increase in tourist arrivals, crucial for the crisis-hit country where tourism accounts for one in five jobs and 16 percent of GDP. And if any impact is likely to be felt in central Athens, where most protest rallies have taken place, it was not visible from the thousands of tourists flocking to the capital.

But as local officials keep their fingers crossed that things will quieten down soon, some tourists say they're actually excited to be in Athens during such turbulent times.

A US tourist said, "My husband and I were not there actually for the riots but we had this trip to Greece planned for well over a year now and much to our surprise the riots occurred, and the tour company that we are over here on made certain they opted for the fact that they wanted our group's safety, that was pre-eminent, that came first. And so as a result they relocated our group to a very lovely hotel outside of Athens to prevent us from being in the center. However, just yesterday we moved to the Grande Bretagne and had a chance to see where the protests occurred and parliament, and to be able to really live history."
一个美国游客称:“我和我的丈夫不是为了看暴乱才去那里的,但是这次希腊之旅我们计划了一年多了,非常令我们惊讶的是,发生暴乱了,我们在这边的旅游公司确定他们的选择对我们的旅游团是安全,这是重要的,也是摆在第一位的。因此他们把我们团转移到雅典郊外一个非常可爱的酒店,以避免我们呆在雅典中心。然而,昨天我们刚刚搬到Grande Bretagne,就有机会看到抗议发生的地方和议会,还能真正经历历史。”