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香港发现禽流感 大范围杀鸡


In Hong Kong, 17,000 chickens have been culled in a bird flu scare. Live poultry supply has also been suspended for 21 days after three birds tested positive for the deadly disease on Tuesday.

The infected birds were found in Hong Kong’s Cheung Sha Wan Temporary Wholesale Poultry Market.

Right now in the market, workers in protective uniform are taking stool samples from the slaughtered chickens and then putting them into dustbins.

They put carbon dioxide-filled hoses into the chickens to kill them. The dead chickens will be buried in the city’s landfill site.

The city raised the alert level to "serious" following the discovery of the dangerous H5N1 strain of avian influenza in three chicken carcasses on Tuesday.

The SAR’s government is tracing the source of the carcass and trying to determine whether the chicken were from a local farm or from the mainland.

Zhou Yiyue, director of HK Food and Health Bureau, said, "We think the dead chicken may have been infected before it got to the market. But we still haven’t figured out where it came from, whether it is from the mainland or from Hong Kong."

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department has also strengthened regular inspections in local chicken farms and bird markets. So far agricultural officials have inspected all 30 farms but found nothing unusual.

But analysts hold that it is very difficult to completely eradicate the bird flu virus in Hong Kong.

Chen Jixiang, professor of Department of Microbiology in CUHK, said, "These chickens may be infected by a birds’ carcass on their way to the wholesale market. It is almost impossible to prevent the chickens from being infected during the transportation process."
香港中文大学微生物学系教授Chen Jixiang表示:“在运往批发市场的途中,这些鸡可能被一只鸟的尸体传染了。在运输过程中几乎不可能防止鸡被传染。”

At the same time, Hong Kong’s Centre for Health Protection has started to cooperate with the Hospital Authority to test people who have close contact with infected poultry.

They urge residents to go to a doctor as soon as they show any symptoms of bird flu such as high fever.

The Health Protection Centre says so far they have not found any cases of human infection in Hong Kong.