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Beautiful lanterns are always a must during Spring Festival. Wherever there are Chinese people, you can see lanterns of all kinds light the festive night. Last Sunday, over 2,800 lanterns were well packed and loaded to make their way to Mazu Island of Taiwan.

This celebration has been going on for ten years, but this year was a bit different. Let's head to the port of Fujian Province to find out more.

After cleaving waves on the 30-kilometer journey in the sea, the boat slowly harboured. It has been loaded with festive lanterns and hearty blessings, from Mazu Island of Taiwan. And a couple of hours later, it will return for its journey back home, carrying different lanterns. But the homebound blessing is the same.

Wong Shuqin, the captain, is now busily unloading the new year gift from Mazu. He's been delivering the gifts for many years during Spring Festival. But this time marks something different.
船长Wong Shuqin现在正忙着卸载来自妈祖的新年礼物。他春节期间运载礼物已经运载了很多年了。但是这次有些不同。

Wong Shuqin said, "In the past few years, Taiwan has entrusted lantern makers on the Chinese mainland to make and present gifts to the people of Fujian Province. But this year is the first time the lanterns made in Taiwan are delivered here directly. It's somehow significant."
Wong Shuqin表示:“去过几年,台湾委托中国大陆的灯笼制造商制作、赠送礼物给在福建省的人。但是今年这些灯笼是在台湾制作,直接从这里发送出去。这很有意义。”

The 2,800 lanterns made by craftsmen from seven counties in Fujian Province has also set a record, topping past exchanges in both numbers and styles.

Before long, the boat is fully loaded again. Wong waves goodbye to the people and the land where his grandfather lived.

On Thursday night, the lanterns will light up both sides of the Strait, like signposts for travellers at sea.