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The Year of the Dragon has seen a rise in popularity for dragon and lion dance performances in Hong Kong, where thousands of groups are practicing this festive sport. What’s different here is that it’s the kids in kindergarten and elementary schools that have become the backbone of the activity, seen at competitions throughout the city.

At one competition of dragon and lion dance performers, the first place winner was this four-year-old girl. Despite her age, she was not short of the feisty spirit required for the sport.

Currently, more than half of the elementary and middle schools and kindergartens in Hong Kong, have their own dragon and lion dance teams. Parents see the activity as a release from their children’s regular lives, which are flooded with inactivity, computers and video games.

A mother of the performer in Hong Kong said "I have two children on this team. I want them to have a strong body. We are Chinese, I want them to learn something about Chinese traditions."

The organizer of the competition aims to popularize the sport among children and teenagers. Ha Tak Kin, a third generation performer of the renowned Ha Kwok Cheung Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, says compared to the popularity of this sport nowadays, decades ago it was a different story.
比赛组织者试图在儿童和青少年中间推广这项运动。著名的夏国璋龙狮团的第三代表演人Ha Tak Kin表示,和这项运动现在的受欢迎相比,几十年前是一个不同的故事。

Ha Tak Kin said "In the 1970s, all people thought lion and dragon dances were a negative thing for children, as it would drag them away from their studies. And people thought such performances were related to street vendors or something. Now we are altering people’s ideas towards the sport. Because without the practice of youngsters, this sport can’t be passed down."
Ha Tak Kin称:“在上世纪70年代,所有人都认为舞龙舞狮对小孩子来说是一种负面的东西,因为它会使他们远离学习。人们认为这样的表演和街头小贩或诸如此类的东西相关。现在,我们正朝体育运动方向改变人们的想法。因为没有年轻人的练习,这项运动不能被传承下去。”

The sport which has a long history dating back to ancient times, is now being embraced in modern cosmopolitan cities like Hong Kong.