栏目广告位一 |
A British company has created a toy helicopter that can be controlled by the iPhone.一家英国公司发明了一种能用iPhone手机控制的玩具直升飞机。The four-propeller helicopter is controlled by software inst
英语新闻视频2010-07-01 -
美抓获10名俄国间谍 俄外长怒讨说法
英语新闻视频2010-07-01 -
大兴安岭火场形势严峻 兵力增至1.2万
4 days on, the raging forest fire in Northeastern China shows no sign of letting up. 4天过去了,发生在中国东北地区的森林大火依然在咆哮,没有就此罢手的迹象。12,000 firefighters continue to battle throu
英语新闻视频2010-07-01 -
A day out to the theme park, goes horribly wrong. 6 people have died and another 10 were injured when a space shuttle simulator plunged to the ground in China. Survivors say that they heard an explos
英语新闻视频2010-07-01 -
如何缓解压力 解决失眠问题?
Stress is a fact of life but there are a number of ways you can alter your lifestyle to cope better with stress. VideoJug have given you the best tips on how to change your life and reduce stress.生活
英语新闻视频2010-06-30 -
29元买"网络遗嘱"? 专家提醒要谨慎
Rapidly developing online services are making life much more convenient. But some have gone beyond people's expectations. Recently a website has promised to maintain people's last will and testament
英语新闻视频2010-06-30 -
Although China's economy has been developing at a rapid pace, the income levels of China's ordinary residents, are still lagging behind. Our reporter Guan Xin takes a look at the life of Beijing's
英语新闻视频2010-06-29 -
Graham Hill建议:上班日吃素
About a year ago, I asked myself a question: "Knowing what I know, why am I not a vegetarian?" After all, I'm one of the green guys. I grew up with hippie parents in a log cabin. I started a site cal
英语新闻视频2010-06-29 -
贵州关岭山体滑坡107人被埋 生还希望渺茫
More than 100 people from 38 different families have been buried and killed by a landslide triggered by heavy rainfall in China's southwest Guizhou province.受强降水影响,中国东南部贵州省发生山体滑坡
英语新闻视频2010-06-29 -
今天的【广告狠有爱】给大家带来一则自行车的广告。这个广告跳脱了对产品功能的叙述,无论是故事结构和广告语都非常简单,但却透露着广告人的幽默与智慧,看完却让人会心一笑。What is that smell?
老师:这是什么味 -
英语新闻视频2010-06-25 -
荷兰队顺利晋级16强,荷兰人自然是十分开心,这不,他们找到了一种情感宣泄的好方式-吹呜呜祖拉。不仅如此,他们还试图制造“呜呜祖拉世界最强音”。They might be from a small Dutch town, but they've gathered
英语新闻视频2010-06-25 -
World Cup Helmets the Next Must Have Soccer Accessory If you don't recognize this hat now, you will soon as the soccer World Cup draws closer. It's a South African Makarapa. The decorated constructi
英语新闻视频2010-06-25 -
英语新闻视频2010-06-25 -
Soccer Gets 3D Treatment Getting ready to see the World Cup as it hasn't been seen before - Live in 3D. These 3D cameras were being trained on a game in Monaco - Host Broadcast Services final dress r
英语新闻视频2010-06-25 -
英语新闻视频2010-06-25 -
英语新闻视频2010-06-23 -
Listening Notes:
cause a road to collapse: 引起道路坍塌
days of torrential rain: 大雨连降数日
stranded: 搁浅的;无依无靠的
rescue boats have been dispatched: 救生船被派遣Floods following heavy rai -
We are drowning in news. Reuters alone puts out three-and-a-half million news stories a year. That's just one source.我们被淹没在了新闻的世界里。路透社一年发布350万新闻故事,而它仅仅只是一个发布源而已
英语新闻视频2010-06-22 -
五月底,美国前总统比尔克林顿应邀参加耶鲁大学2010年毕业典礼并发表演讲。在演讲中,他鼓励毕业生们多听取自己不认同的意见,并称我们这个时代的问题在于我们拥有过量的信息,却不知应该相信哪一种。Former Preside
英语新闻视频2010-06-22 -
为大家送上一则和足球相关的广告。于是嘛,有球赛、就有球迷;有球迷、就要喝啤酒……难得一届世界杯,大家就好好享受吧!Well, it all comes down to this penalty kick.好,现在就看这个点球怎么发了。Wait? Watch
英语新闻视频2010-06-22 -
What's your secret to impressing a tough boss like Donald Trump?You have to show that you are giving 110% of yourself all the time. If you are going to show up at work, show up and do it well. Don't
英语新闻视频2010-06-21 -
What's brought with ten LV marking that will carry one of sport's most competent items. Luxury goods manufacturer Louis Vuitton have created a traveling case to house and transport the World Cup tro
英语新闻视频2010-06-20 -
杜蕾斯超牛广告 看过必买
安全套的广告向来比较敏感。为了防止疾病传播,以往的大多数这类型广告都爱走恐吓路线。而杜蕾斯却抓到了一个更有效、更有趣的宣传点!既表达出了广告主旨、又准确宣传了自己的品牌!真是绝了!Let's face it. Cond
英语新闻视频2010-06-19 -
Dozens of sinkholes have emerged across China in recent weeks, triggering fears of earthquakes.近几周,中国多地陷坑频现,引发了人们对地震将至的担忧。Craters of different sizes have been seen in a vast
栏目广告位二 |