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If that clutter-clogged office or cubicle has you frazzled, these tips will give you peace of mind and a more organized space.

You Will Need

Wire paper trays
3-ring binders
File folders
Recycle bin
Closet or dress screen
Multi-surface cleaner
Paper towels

Step 1: Make a plan(做好计划,将要用到的文件进行归类)
Make a plan to best use the wire paper trays, three-ring notebooks, and file folders and decide what documents should go where.

Documents that you reference daily should be easily accessible while everything else should be filed away for longer-term storage.

Step 2: Take your time(一天收拾一些,不要急于一时)
Take your time clearing the clutter and don’t try to tackle everything at once. Break up your office or cubicle into small sections.

Step 3: Transfer loose notes(将零散的记录放在一个本子上,或者是电脑上)
Transfer loose notes, such as contact information or dates and times of meetings, to one document on your computer or bulletin board.

Step 4: Remove personal items(将私人物品挪开)
Remove personal items, such as food containers, knick knacks, magazines, books, and electronic devices, that are not work-related.

Step 5: Shred or recycle documents(将没有用的文件全部处理掉)
Shred or recycle paper documents that you no longer need or that are out-of-date. File everything else in a notebook, folder, or in a tray.

Open and file the day’s mail as soon as you receive it so it doesn’t get lost or create more desk clutter.

Step 6: Hide everything else(将一些平时很少用到的文件放在陈列柜子里)
Use a closet or dress screen to hide messy bookshelves, file cabinets, and reference materials that are used only occasionally.

Step 7: Wipe away dust(清楚桌子上的灰尘)
Clean and wipe away dust and crumbs with a simple multi-surface cleaner and paper towels.

The President’s Oval Office was not constructed until the Taft administration in 1909 and today’s Oval Office was added by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934.

The modern day Oval Office was not constructed until the Roosevelt administration in 1934.