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Best Heartstring-Puller 最触人心的广告

Good stuff from both Jeep and Dodge. Who would have thought a car commercial could make you cry? Jeep和Dodge的广告都很棒,谁会想到汽车广告能把人弄哭呢?

第一名:Dodge Ram, "Farmer"

第二名:Jeep, "Whole Again"

Best Actually Funny Commercial 最搞笑的商业广告

Thank you Amy Poehler for making the word "dongle" go mainstream. The whole spot was funny, with Poehler acting the part of the super-invested buyer who wants to know every detail of her product. 谢谢艾米·波勒让"dongle"(软件保护器)一词变得流行起来。波勒演的那个大顾客想知道产品的每个细节,使得整个广告非常搞笑。(今年的金球奖颁奖典礼Amy Poehler就是主持人之一,同样很搞笑~~)

第一名:Best Buy, "Asking Amy"

Worst Meme Killer 最差的文化元素广告

Gangnam Style probably officially died out when your parents or boss made a joke about it, but bringing it out in an ad that relies on a meme that was popular so many months ago just shows how out of touch you are as a company. 即便是你的父母或老板拿江南style开玩笑,都已经显得落伍了;把它用到广告上,依托这样一个数月前流行的文化现象,这说明你这个公司是有多落伍啊。

第一名:Wonderful Pistachios, "Crackin' Gangnam Style"

第二名:Runner Up: e*trade, "Save It"