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Biggest Accidental Blackout Winner 意外停电的最大赢家


Oreo had a great, cute commercial featuring absurd whispers that didn't play up any typical Super Bowl ad stereotypes, but they really struck gold with a well-timed Tweet that tied their product to the bizarre blackout. The tweeted ad said, "You can still dunk in the dark." 奥利奥用那些荒诞的耳语制作了一则可爱的商业广告,和典型的超级碗广告模式很不一样,但是奥利奥找准时机发布了一条推特,将自身产品和超级碗上诡异的停电联系了起来。这条推特广告说:“即使漆黑一片,你也可以把奥利奥泡一泡。”



Biggest Accidental Blackout Loser 意外停电的最大输家


Mercedes' Willem Dafoe-as-the-devil ad was clever and fun, mostly because of, well, Willem Dafoe. But having their giant logo displayed prominently at the top of the Superdome next to the blacked-out lights was definitely not a pleasant placement. 梅赛德斯的“威廉·达福是魔鬼”广告非常聪明有趣,不过这主要得归功于,拍广告的是威廉·达福。不过把他们巨大的商标放在新奥尔良穹顶体育场的顶端,毗邻停电的路灯,这无疑不是一个好地方。



Most Confusing Ad 最令人费解的广告


What's with the singing fish and sapphire beer with a black bottle, Beck's? 想请贝克啤酒解释下,唱歌的鱼和黑瓶装的Sapphire啤酒的组合到底算啥意思?


第一名:Beck's Sapphire, "Serenade" and the black-ale trend

第二名:Runner Up: Toyota Rav-4, "I Wish"

Best Animal 最佳动物


Even though I got flashbacks to Black Beauty, I was able to overlook the tragedy of the horse being given away (because of extenuating circumstances? I need more information!) thanks to the reunion at the end. 虽然我感到了《黑美人》的重现,但是好在最后的团聚让我能够忽略马被送走的悲剧。(也许把马送走是情有可原的?我需要知道更多!)


第一名:Budweiser, "Brotherhood"

第二名:Runner Up: Cars.com, "No Drama"

Best Topical Ad 最好的话题广告


Still, Tide's ad was one of the best of the night, and one of the few that actually had a good twist. But for 49er fans, it was probably a little too topical. 汰渍广告依旧是当晚最好的广告之一,也是少数拥有很好转折的广告中的一个。不过对于旧金山49人队的球迷来说,它未免也太具话题性了。


第一名:Tide, "Miracle Stain"

第二名:Runner Up: Samsung, "The Next Big Thing"