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3. 这是非限制性定语从句吗

If a book is in English, ______ may mean slow progress for you.

A. that                     B. which                   C. as                        D. and it

此题应选 A。容易误选 B。许多考生一看到空格前的逗号, 就想当然地认为这是非限制性定语从句, 从而误选了B。

考生可以想一想, 假若此题选B(which), which 用以引导一个非限制性定语从句, 而其前又是一个以if 引导的条件状语从句, 那么请问:此句的主句在哪里?

通过以上分析我们可以知道, 既然本句前面有一个条件状语从句, 那么后面一句就应该是主句。本题选that, 即为主句主语, 全句意为:如果一本书是用英语写的, 那么那就意味着你要读得慢些。

注意:当从句位于主句之前时, 千万不要在主句前误加并列连词或误认为是某种从句。请做以下单选题:

1. When he was tired, ____ he had a rest.

A. and                      B. but                       C. so                        D. ×

2. Because he got up too late, ____ he missed the train.

A. so                        B. but                       C. and                      D. ×

3. Though he is poor, ____ he is happy.

A. and                      B. so                        C. but                       D. ×

5. As is known to us all, ____ China was liberated in 1949.

A. and                      B. but                       C. which                   D. ×

答案:1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. D


4. 这个情态动词后要接动词原形吗

He tried his best and did what he could ______ us.

A. help                     B. to help                 C. helping                D. helped


其实这是一个省略句, 若把句子补完整应为:

He tried his best and did what he could do tohelp us. 他竭尽全力, 做了他所能做的一切来帮助我们。

从上句可以看出:句中的不定式(to help us)是用作目的状语的, 而不是与情态动词(could)一起构成谓语。


1. He ran as fast as he could ____ the early bus.

A. to catch                B. catch                    C. catching               D. caught

2. He ran as fast as he could _____ to catch theearly bus.

A. to hope                 B. hope                     C. hoping                  D. hoped

3. He spent every minute he could _____ spoken


A. practise                B. to practise

C. practising              D. practised

第1题应选 A。其中的不定式短语 to catch the earlybus 用作目的状语。

第2题应选 C。其中的现在分词短语 hoping to catchthe early bus 用作伴随状语。

第3题应选 C。其中的动名词短语 practising spokenEnglish 与 spent 有关(spend... [in] doing sth. )