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亚太地区不断受灾 损失加大


Climate and disaster risk experts say the Asia Pacific region faces rising costs from storms and disasters often tied to climate change, creating new challenges for regions as they try to prepare and recover from such events. Warning comes as Thailand and the Philippines attempt to bounce back from recent disasters and the region gets ready to mark the seventh anniversary of the devastating 2004 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami.


The backhoe lifts piles of discarded rubbish left from flood-stricken homes and businesses in the Muang Ake community on the outskirts of Bangkok.


The community, in Pathum Thani province, was hard hit during the recent floods, with waters of up to two meters inundating the area for over six weeks.


On a drive through, the community is a scene of devastation. Furniture and wall panels lay discarded, as people go about cleaning up from the most severe floods in Thailand in over 50 years.


On Saturday, Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra was reported to have declared that the flood waters have receded from the area.


But for communities such as Muang Ake, recovery remains a distant goal, says Charun Likitrattanaporn, dean of agriculture at Rajamangala University of Technology campus at Muang Ake.


"This, I think, is long term because we have to reorganize. Some parts are already totally damaged. So it will take one or two years to recover. Some [businesses] cannot open again because they have to invest again in furniture, equipment. I think they cannot come back. Some of them cannot come back," said Charun Likitrattanaporn.


Nationally, almost 800 lives were lost from Thailand's floods, with an economic toll close to $45 billion. A state economic think tank says one million people are now unemployed as thousands of small businesses and several industrial estates try to revive themselves.


The United Nations says the five months of floods across Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam affected a population of up to 20 million people.


This week, the Philippine regions of Cagayan de Oro and Illigan are recovering from a tropical storm that officially left 1,000 dead, but with media reports putting the toll much higher. The United Nations says more than 300,000 people were displaced and are now dependent on outside emergency assistance.


These tragedies come as Asia prepares to mark the seventh anniversary on Monday of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. The tragedy claimed over 230,000 lives across 14 countries, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in history.
