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“The number of countries…testing for HIV rose from five countries only in 2005 to 31 in 2010, including all of the highest burden countries when it comes to the TB-HIV co-epidemic. Also…more than 60 percent of the estimated people living with HIV who developed active tuberculosis were identified and treated for tuberculosis in 2010. So, these are quite remarkable public health and clinical results,” Raviglione said.


As a consequence, Dr. Raviglione says nearly one million lives were saved. He says these people would have died without the application and implementation of these interventions.


There are three main elements in WHO’s updated guidance policy. The U.N. health agency says TB patients, their partners or family members should be routinely tested for HIV.


It says all TB patients who are infected with HIV should be given cost-effective medicine to prevent against lung or other infections. And it recommends all TB patients with HIV start on anti-retroviral therapy within the first two weeks in which they start anti-TB treatment.


WHO stresses these services should be provided in an integrated manner at the same time and place.
