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To further assist developing countries:

China will increase support for other developing countries hit hard by the financial crisis, earnestly implement relevant capital increase and financing plans, intensify trade and investment cooperation and help raise the capacity of relevant countries for risk-resistance and sustainable development.

China will continue to implement the measures announced at the UN High-level Event on Millennium Development Goals to assist other developing countries in speeding up development and facilitate the attainment of the MDGs.

China will follow through on the measures to help African countries announced at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, increase assistance to Africa, reduce or cancel debts for heavily-indebted poor countries and least developed countries in Africa, expand trade and investment, provide human resources and technological support for African countries in such areas as agriculture, health, education and disaster preparedness and reduction, and intensify personnel training tailored to African needs.

China will continue to participate in and promote regional monetary and financial cooperation, maintain financial and economic stability and push forward financial cooperation and trade in the region.

Mr. President,
Dear Colleagues,

We are called upon by our times to unite as one and work together for mutual benefit and win-win progress like passengers in the same boat. This is the only way leading to common prosperity. Let's join hands, share development opportunities, rise above challenges and make unremitting effort to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity!

Thank you.