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So in addition to supporting a robust nuclear complex budget in 2011, we will also support a new Stockpile Management Program that would focus on sustaining capabilities.  This is what the military leaders, charged with responsibility for our strategic deterrent, need in order to defend our country.  General Chilton, Commander of U.S. STRATCOM, has said repeatedly that he doesn’t need new nuclear weapons capabilities — but he must be confident in the capabilities that we have.

As we establish that confidence through Stockpile Management, we are making preparations for securing Senate approval for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and working globally to convince other hold-out states to bring that treaty into force.  Bringing the treaty into force will strengthen and reenergize the global noNPRoliferation regime and, in doing so, enhance our own security.

For almost two decades, and over four successive administrations, the United States has observed a moratorium on nuclear testing.  So we are already honoring the fundamental obligation of the treaty.  A test ban treaty that has entered into force will allow the United States and others to challenge states engaged in suspicious testing activities — including the option of calling on-site inspections to be sure that no testing occurs anywhere.  CTBT ratification would also encourage the international community to move forward with other essential noNPRoliferation steps.  And make no mistake, other states — rightly or wrongly — view American ratification of the CTBT as a sign of our commitment to the noNPRoliferation consensus.

In coming months, several important events can accelerate progress on our noNPRoliferation and arms control agenda.  In April, President Obama will host a global summit on nuclear security, an uNPRecedented gathering that will help promote a common understanding of the threat of nuclear terrorism and build international support for effective means of countering that threat.  The following month, the NPT Review Conference, held every five years, will seek a consensus among NPT parties on a program of work for strengthening the NPT regime.  We hope that these meetings will provide a launching pad for our global efforts to address this challenge.
今后几个月,几项重大的活动有助于我们的不扩散和军备控制议程加速取得进展。4月,奥巴马总统将主持全球核安全峰会(Global Summit on Nuclear Security)。 这个前所未有的重要活动有助于增进人们对核恐怖主义威胁的共同认识,同时为采取有效措施抗击这项威胁争取国际社会的支持。此后一个月,每5年举行一次的《不扩散核武器条约》审议大会(NPT Review Conference)将寻求《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国为加强核不扩散体制的工作纲领取得共识。我们希望上述会议为我们应对这个挑战的全球行动提供一个启动平台。

The nuclear threats facing the international community today cannot be overstated.  They pose a grave challenge.  And as with other global threats, most notably climate change, we are all in the same boat.  Unless we act decisively and act now, the situation may deteriorate catastrophically and irreversibly.

Some experts looking at current nuclear threats and the pressures bearing down on the global noNPRoliferation regime have come to pessimistic conclusions about our nuclear future.  They talk about nuclear cascades and terrorists getting their hands on the bomb.  According to them, future proliferation is inevitable; stopping it is futile.
目睹当前核威胁以及全球不扩散体制承受的压力,一些专家对我们的核未来得出了悲观的结论。他们谈论核级联(nuclear cascades),声称恐怖分子将掌控核武器。他们认为,未来核扩散是不可避免的,阻止该趋势的努力将是徒劳的。

Further proliferation and nuclear terrorism are not foregone conclusions.  These dangers can be impeded and even prevented.  But countering these threats requires us to realize that all states have a common interest in reinvigorating the noNPRoliferation regime — and that all states bear a responsibility in advancing that effort.

Dean Acheson recognized these truths in his day.  They have not dimmed with the passage of time.  And the United States will do all it can to carry on this work, and ensure that our efforts succeed.

As we stand at this new crossroads our path forward is clear.  It is a path that leads from the streets of Prague, through the milestones I’ve spoken of today, and eventually, some day, to a world without nuclear weapons.

Just as Acheson did in his time, we must meet this challenge by acting boldly, wisely, hopefully, and in concert with other nations.  And once again, if we do so, American leadership will ensure our security and the peace of future generations.

Thank you all very much.