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Fellow Deputies,


Strengthening national defense and building a powerful people's army are important guarantees for safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Keeping the overall work of the Party and government firmly in mind and directing our attention to effectively carrying out the army's historic mission in this new century and this new stage, we need to comprehensively make our army more revolutionary, modern and standardized, and constantly enhance its capability to accomplish a range of military tasks, the most paramount of which is winning local wars under information age conditions. We will steadfastly give top priority to raising the overall ideological and political standards of the army.

We will vigorously adapt our military training to the information age. We will accelerate the full modernization of the logistics support system. We will promote integrated military and civilian development, increase defense-related research, and strengthen the development of weapons and equipment. We will energetically yet prudently press ahead with reform of national defense and the military. We will steadfastly run the army with strict discipline and in accordance with the law. The military will resolutely carry out urgent, difficult, dangerous and daunting tasks, such as handling emergencies and relieving disasters. We will modernize the armed police force to improve its ability to carry out duties, respond to emergencies, combat terrorism and safeguard stability. We will strengthen defense mobilization and reserve forces. We will consolidate and develop unity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.