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Fellow Deputies,


We will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation; adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace and the path of peaceful development; pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit; promote the building of a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity; and create a more favorable external environment and more beneficial external conditions for China's modernization.


We will maintain the sound, steady development of our relations with major powers, actively promote dialogue and cooperation, and expand common interests and the foundation for cooperation. We will adhere to our foreign policy of friendship and partnership with neighboring countries, deepen good-neighborly relations of friendship and cooperation with them, and promote the processes for regional and sub-regional cooperation. We will enhance our traditional friendships and cooperation with other developing countries, further make use of and build on our achievements in cooperation, and give impetus to innovations in cooperation and the development of related mechanisms.

We will take an active part in multilateral diplomacy, and use the G20 summit and other diplomatic forums as our main platform for strengthening the coordination of macroeconomic policies; advancing the reform of the international economic and financial system; promoting robust, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy; playing a constructive role in helping resolve hot issues and global problems; and fulfilling our international responsibilities and duties. The Chinese government and people are willing to work with the international community to respond to risks and challenges, share in development opportunities, and make new contributions to humanity's lofty causes of peace and development.