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名人访谈录之Charlie Rose采访杨澜


Host: Is there a website now that reflects the broadest understanding of who you are, what you are about and might even carry a blog from you.

杨澜:我在中国几个领先的门户网站有博客,我也有微博。我们的天女网社区也有三、四百万粉丝。我们的网站以中文为主,名字叫 tiannv.com,也就是天女的拼音。目标受众是城市女性。
Yang Lan: I have a blog in several leading portals in China, and also tweeter. Our social community for Her Village (TianNv.com) for example is around 3 to 4 million followers. And our website is mostly in mandarin, It's called Tiannv.com, which is the Chinese spelling for Her Village. That's targeted at urban women.

Host: Where is, you think, this remarkable career headed?

Yang Lan: I don't know. I think there are so many exciting opportunities in China. The media is also opening up. So there are all sorts of things that you want to do. And if you don't have existing platforms to help to do that, you try to create something for yourself. I think that's where the entrepreneurship comes from. And for me, it's about… I think we have come into an age in which not a singular platform can complete the whole communication job. So it's more integrated. Media, communication, into your targeted audience For me, serving the urban women audience is one of my goals.

Host: Was there just a natural instinct for business that was there, dormant in China, waiting for it to open, waiting for their opportunity to create things?

Yang Lan: I believe so. It has been suppressed for decades. And suddenly when things open up, everyone wants to try his luck. So there is a lot of entrepreneurial spirits in the air, especially among young people, who want to try their luck. And above all, try to realize their dreams, their aspirations. So I think your imagination is your limit.

Host: Jack Ma was here the other day. Someone I am sure you must know. He has created an Amazon-like umpire. It's extraordinary.

Yang Lan: Yeah, it's the age for younger people to create their own empires. For me, it's not about building my own umpire. It's about something that I really enjoy doing and sometimes I think I am good at it.

Host: You obviously are good at it. So trying something new, not just asking the question why do you want to do it, but the question why not is my mentality. Talk to us about the cultural changes and the changes in fashion, in cinema, and the sense of life style in the urban areas.

杨澜:今后20年将可能见证中国从艺术到影视、到纪录片、到时尚、任何事物众多方面的复兴。但我们发现社会价值的重建问题,人们曾经也依稀看到过这样的意识形态。随后变成了物质主义。有个相亲节目,里面的男孩问女孩要不要坐在我自行车后座一起去玩,女孩说我宁愿坐在宝马车的后座上哭。这在社会上引起很大争议,反映了物质主义统治着年轻一代的价值观。然后社会上有很大的反响。我们到底怎么了?难道物质主义、物质上的成功是我们这代的唯一目标吗?我们在寻求的东西里有没有更有价值、更持久的东西?我想在今后 20 年,不仅是艺术、时尚和创造的复兴,还有我们价值观的重建。建设文明社会会是其中的一部分。上周我的基金会,阳光文化基金会,与比尔梅连达盖茨基金会合办了一场活动。
Yang Lan: The following two decade will possibly witness a renaissance of all kinds in China. From arts to cinema, to documentaries, to fashion, to whatever. But also we found it is a restoration of values into the society, where people got this illusion from certain ideology before. But then there was materialism. There was a dating show, In which when the boy asked the girl do you want to sit on the back seat of my bicycle and we both have fun, the girl said I would rather cry on the back seat of a BMW, which aroused huge controversy in the society, suggesting materialism is overruling the value system of the younger generation. But then there is a big outcry in the society saying that what's wrong with us? Is materialism, material success, the only goal for our generation? Is there something more valuable, more lasting that we are seeking? So I think for the next two decades, it's not just the renaissance of arts, of fashion, of creativity but also it's about the reinvention of our value system. And building up a civil society is a part of that. Last week my foundation, Sun Culture foundation, co-organized an event with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Host: Is it when Bill and Warren looking for...Chinese billionaires.

Yang Lan: It's not about giving pledge. It's about equal exchange of ideas of philanthropy. I also invited the Minister of Civil Affairs to be a partner, from which he also wrote a blog, saying that he got so much feedback from future philanthropists, saying that first of all we need legislation for philanthropy. Also we need capacity building for our NPO and NGOs.

主持人:新一代领导人,比如现在 30 岁 或者 40 岁 出头的骨干们,与他们的上一代有什么不同?
Host: Will the new generation of leadership, say, young man and women in their early 30s now and early 40s, how are they different from the generation that they will succeed?

Yang Lan: They have got very decent education, college education. For many of them. And they have the exposure through the internet and other media to the world. And many of them can afford international travels these days. So you see the booming of tourism, both at home and abroad. So this generation does not only think about themselves with the limitation of geographic boundaries but rather they can think across the borders. The entrepreneurs are investing in other countries. Younger people, they are seeking education here or in Europe, and elsewhere. So there is less limit in terms of what they can do, what they can achieve. Most of us know about Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong and a few other huge cities.

Host: Tell us the China beyond that.

杨澜:在中国,东部和西部的差距是很大的,主要城市与二线城市,三线城市的差距也很大。浩大的城市化进程正在发生。人们从边远地区流向城市,过去 20 年,超过 2 亿边远地区人口经历了城市化。今后 20 年,还有 3 亿人口会进入城市。
Yang Lan: In China, there is a huge disparity from East to West, from major cities to second-tier, third-tier cities. But there is a massive process of urbanization, which is taking place right now. People coming from the rural areas to the city. Over the past two decades, more than 200 million rural population has been urbanized. For the next two decades, another 300 million are coming into cities.