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名人访谈录之Charlie Rose采访杨澜


Host: How fast is the middle class rising?

Yang Lan: Because many look at it as an important element of China's growth to find markets internally and serve the markets externally. I think the middle class is growing very fast. I don't have a specific number that I can give you. It also depends on how would you define a middle-class person. A regular job? a home?

Host: How would you define middle class in China?

杨澜:嗯,我会说,租房住,买房住,有稳定的工作,事业发展有前景,有孩子,有车。这些是一些基本象征。就拿中国车辆销售的提升来说,这也是正在崛起的中产阶级的象征之一,去年中国卖出了 1 千万部新车,中国正成为所有行业数一数二的大市场。我想这是中国中产阶级正在崛起的一个象征。
Yang Lan: Well, I would say you know, a rented home, a board home. A regular job. A career in sight. Raising children, having a car. That can be some of the symbols. If you think of the rise of car sales in China, I think that would be one of the symbols of the rising middle class. Last year 10 million new cars were sold in China. It's becoming the first or the second largest market for everything. I think that could be one symbol of the rising of the middle class in China.

Host: When we look at the politics of China, the changes of China there are always the questions of freedom of expression. We all know about the Google controversy that took place. How would you characterize freedom of expression today in China?

Yang Lan: There are still regulations, censorship, frustrations. That's for sure. But I also see progress, especially through the introduction of internet. It has become a big public arena that more people will voice their opinions about public policies. Pros and cons. And there have been many cases when abuses of power were reported on the internet; huge public outcry will drive the government to be more spontaneous, to be more transparent, and also it directly led to the change of regulations or practices by the government. I think that's the progress we have made.

Host: And human rights?

Yang Lan: Well, taking the example of people in custody, or people in prison. There were cases reported through the internet. That they were mistreated. And then related personnels were published, investigations were initiated, and regulations have been reshaped. I think those are progresses that we can see. But of course, in such a vast country, you see a lot of issues, problems pumping out every day, in a lot of places. I think right now the major concern is the land usage. People worry about proper compensation for their land, which was taken away for urbanization or development. So what is proper compensation? Sometimes the government and residents may have different perspectives. That's what we see where a lot incidents come up.

Host: How do you see a lot of Chinese that you know, your friends and colleagues view the United States today?

Yang Lan: Wow, that's a big question. I think people look up to the US as it is a free and open society. It's leading in education, in culture, in world politics and so on so forth. But I think many Chinese disagree on some of the international policies that the US government holds. Especially on Iraq wars and so on so forth.

Host: But some agree on North Korea. US and China cooperate on some of …

Yang Lan: Yes, there is cooperation between US and China on a lot of fronts.

主持人:你怎样看中国,我知道你制作电视节目、开办企业和非政府报刊,但你怎样看中国在今后 25 年在世界上扮演的角色?
Host: How do you think China, I realize you do television programs and entrepreneur activities, and newspapers are not part of the government, how do you think China sees its role in the world over the next 25 years?

Yang Lan: Well, I think while China will take on more responsibilities in terms of free trade, in terms of the environmental protection, it's not for the sake of the outside world. It's for our own people. We can't live on a polluted piece of land with our health threatened. Also I think from an internal perspective, we see more problems than outsiders can see. We see hundreds of millions of workers, who are migrant works, whose jobs are at stake, if the foreign currencies change a little bit. Because the margin for the manufacturing industry is very low.

Host: You are suggesting that China's resistance to appreciate the currency was in part because it would affect the wages of the workers in China?

Yang Lan: Not just the wages, it's the security of jobs. It could affect millions or tens of millions of jobs. I am not arguing from the government point of view. I am just arguing as an insider, we see more internal challenges than outsiders can see.

Host: Americans make arguments the same way. In fact, you need to impose tariffs, because you need to protect the American workers.

Yang Lan: So I think it's a balance of both… How you protect jobs is an important problem for officials all over the world.