Forgetting history is tantamount to betrayal. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the world war against fascism and the founding of the United Nations. The BRICS countries should join all the peace-loving countries and peoples in the world in firmly opposing any attempt or action to deny, distort or even tamper with the history of that war, and in upholding its victorious outcome and international equity and justice. At the same time, we must learn the lessons of history, do away with the Cold War mentality and reject the zero-sum game, and work together to maintain peace and stability in various regions and across the world. We should stay committed to promoting democracy in international relations. The use or threat of sanctions in international relations at every turn will not help solve problems. Dialogue and negotiation should play a useful part in settling differences peacefully and politically.
——2015.7.09 习近平在金砖国家领导人第七次会晤上的讲话
7. 历史不会因时代变迁而改变,事实也不会因巧舌抵赖而消失。我们不应因一个民族中有少数军国主义分子发起侵略战争就仇视这个民族,战争的罪责在少数军国主义分子而不在人民,但人们任何时候都不应忘记侵略者所犯下的严重罪行。一切罔顾侵略战争历史的态度,一切美化侵略战争性质的言论,不论说了多少遍,不论说得多么冠冕堂皇,都是对人类和平和正义的危害。对这些错误言行,爱好和平与正义的人们必须高度警惕、坚决反对。
History will not be changed with the course of time, and facts will never fade away due to repudiation from the artful tongue. We should not be hostile to a nation for those aggressive wars launched by its few militarists in that the guilt and responsibility of war should not be imputed to its people, but the few militarists. However, people should not forget the serious crimes committed by invaders at any time. All the attitudes to ignore the history of aggressive war and all the statements to prettify the nature of aggressive war are doomed to jeopardize the peace and justice of humanity no matter how many times these words are said and no matter how high-sounding they are. People who love peace and justice must be strongly vigilant, and resolutely oppose these wrong words and deeds.
——2014.12.13 南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭仪式隆重举行习近平出席并发表重要讲话
8. 事实就是事实,公理就是公理。在事实和公理面前,一切信口雌黄、指鹿为马的言行都是徒劳的。黑的就是黑的,说一万遍也不可能变成白的;白的就是白的,说一万遍也不可能变成黑的。一切颠倒黑白的做法,最后都只能是自欺欺人。
Facts are facts, and axioms are axioms. In the face of facts and axioms, all the intentionally irresponsible and misrepresented words and deeds are in vain. Black is black and cannot be washed in to white even if it is said for 10,000 times; white is white and can never be smeared in to black even though it is repeated for ten thousand times. All conducts to reverse the facts will eventually be proved to be self-deception.
——2014.9.03 习近平在纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利69周年座谈会上的讲话
9. 历史就是历史,事实就是事实,任何人都不可能改变历史和事实。付出了巨大牺牲的中国人民,将坚定不移捍卫用鲜血和生命写下的历史。任何人想要否认、歪曲甚至美化侵略历史,中国人民和各国人民绝不答应!
History is history, facts are facts. It is impossible for anyone to change the history and facts. Chinese people who have made tremendous sacrifices will firmly uphold the history written by blood and lives. Chinese people and people of all countries will never allow anyone to deny, distort or even prettify the history of aggression.
——2014.7.07 首都各界隆重纪念全民族抗战爆发七十七周年习近平出席并发表重要讲话
10. 对任何企图歪曲美化日本军国主义侵略历史的言行,中国人民和亚洲受害国人民不答应,相信有正义和良知的日本人民也不会答应。前事不忘,后事之师。牢记历史,是为了开创未来;不忘战争,是为了维护和平。我们认为,日本人民也是那场战争的受害者。抗日战争结束后,中国人民以德报怨,帮助百万日侨重返家园,把数千名日本战争遗孤抚养成人,显示了中国人民的博大胸怀和无疆大爱。
Chinese people and people of all victim countries in Asia will say no to any statements and actions that attempt to distort or prettify the aggression history of Japan militarism, and so will Japanese people who believe in justice and conscience. The past experience, if not forgotten, can serve as a guide for the future. Remember the history, so we can create the future; remember the war, so we can uphold the peace. We believe Japanese people are also the victims of the war. After the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chinese people rendered good for evil, helped millions of Japanese in China return Japan and raised thousands of Japanese war orphans which showed the great mind and boundless love of Chinese people.
——2015.5.23 习近平在中日友好交流大会上的讲话