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71 Tolstoy 托尔斯泰

M: Mary         E: Edward
M:玛莉        E:爱蕾华  

M: So. Ed. What do you know about this? Tolstoy's history, what do you know about him?
E: 你知道,不只有一个托尔斯泰,他们家是一个俄罗斯名门望族。托尔斯泰家族在俄罗斯的政治、军事、文学和美术方面都留下了不朽的遗产。

E: Tolstoy wasn't just one person, you know.They were a whole family of Russian nobility. The ToLstoy's have left a lasting legacy in Russian politics, military history, literarure, and tine arts.

M: They got around a bit then! Sounds like they did everything. but let's start with the politics . . .  it says here that Peter Andreevich Tolstoy was a member of Peter the Great's party
M: 他们收获了。看似他们什么都做了,但是只是开始,据说托尔斯泰还彼得大会的成员呢。

E: Yes, he gradually gained Peter's confidence serving first as the Russian ambassador to Constantinople, then as the head of the secret police.

M: OK, so what about the military Tolstoy's? I've heard of one called Alexander Ivanovich Tolstoy. He was in the Battle of Chamova in 1807 where his regiment held out for 15 hours against the whole army  commanded by NaPoleon.

E: It sounds like you know plenty about him already. Let's go on to the literary Tolstoy's, shall we?

M: Leo TolScoy is one of the greatest Russian novelists of the 19th century.  He wrote War and Peacc and Ann  Karenina.

E: I think those books are the two most famous in the whole world! I wonder why he started writing.

M: He started his career in the military, he was firrst drawn to writing books when hc scrved in Chechenya, and already his first novel, Kazalry. was somerhing quite unlike anything written before him.

E: Oh, I see. OK, on to firie arts. It says here chat there were many Tolstoy's in high society .

M: Yes. Count Feodor Petrovich Tolstoy was one of the most fashionable Russian drawers and painters of the 1820s. Although he prepared fine illustntions,  his true vocation was wax modeling and the design of medals.

E: And also, Count Feodor lvanovich Tolstoy who was a notorious drunkard, gastronome, and duellist. It is said that he killed 11 people in duels.
E:此外,费奥多尔•彼德罗维奇•托尔斯泰伯爵还是个声名狼藉的酒鬼、美食家和决斗专家。据说他在决斗中杀死了1 1个人。

M: He was involved in a different kind of art though. In 1803 he participated in the first Russian circumnavigation of the Eanh and after he had his body tattooed!

E: Well, it certainly seems that the Tolstoy's were interesting people, that's for sure.

A  lasting legacy不朽的遗产
notorious drunkard声名狼藉的酒鬼
hold out坚持
circumnavigation of the Eanh环游地球
