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58 Geisha 艺伎

T:Tourist    G: Museum guide
T:游客    G:博物馆导游

T:  Excuse me, could you tell me something about this exhibition

G: Yes. certainly. You are interested in Geisha then?

T: Oh, yes, very interested. I have just finished reading an amazing book, Memoirs of a Geisha, and I felt I must come to Japan to discover more. It's such a wonderful. But hidden profession. Well, it's hidden to us in the West anyway. Most people believe Geisha are just prostitutes.That isn't true though, is it?

G: The word " Geisha" actually means "person of the arts" and a Geisha's training is extensive and lasts throughout their life. A Geisha never stops training in the ans, such as dancing, singing and playing certain musical instruments. You see this one here? That's a shamisen , it's a little like a guitar, Many Geisha excel in shamisen.

T: So, Geisha are musicians too?

G:Yes, they must have a wide range of skills induding inteUectual conversation and wit. They must have the gift of entertaining, using the arts. conversation and the abdity to tell a funny joke !

T: Wow! So Geisha must be multi-skilled, then. I've heard some stories about young girls being sold into slavery and then forced to become Geisha.

G: It's true, being a Geisha is sometimes a cruel profession. Some Geisha were bom into it, their mothers and grandmothen were Geisha, so they started their uaining at the traditional age of 3. But some girls, who worked as servants wanted a new life, so if they had something special. maybe about their appearance and were Iucky enough to bc chosen, they too could train.

T: I see. In the book I mentioned, the girl who became a Geisha was sold to a Geisha house, worked as a maid and later became a Geisha. She had something very special, blue eyes. Quite different here in Japan !

G: Yes, have you seen the movie of che book? It was very popular in Westcm countries

T: It started Zhang Zi Yi. It's a wonderful movie, although I enjoyed the book much more.

G: I agree. The original book is always better than the movie. Let's continue walking, we can take a look at somc kimonos next . . .

Could you tell me something about…?你能给我讲讲……?
a wide range of skills广博的技能
the ability……的能力
be sold intoslavery 卖为奴隶


艺伎并非妓女。她们的交易是满足男人们的梦想——享乐、浪漫和占有欲。通常与她们交易的,都是上层社会有钱有势的男人。 在昂贵的餐厅和茶舍里,谈论生意的男人们喜欢请一位艺伎相伴,为他们斟酒上菜,调节气氛,而这最少也要花费1千美元。今天,仍有少数女性抱着浪漫的幻想以及对传统艺术的热爱加入艺伎行业。但在二战以前,绝大部分艺伎是为了生计,被迫从事这一职业的。