
剑桥大学校园英语情景对话35:共同的俱乐部 (mp3+中英)


H: This building is beautiful, what is it?


D: It is the Oxford and Cambridge Club. See, these are flags of the two universities.

D:这是牛津剑桥俱乐部。看,这是这两所大 学的旗帜。

H: I thought the two most famous universities in Briton don't get along well, but they even build up a Club together. Where is it located? Is it far from here?

H:我还以为这两所英国最著名的大学关系不 好呢,谁知道它们还共同成立了一所俱乐 部。在什么位置啊,距离这里远吗?

D: Yes, a little bit far from here. It is at 71 Pall Mali,London. The clubhouse was designed for the membership by architect Sir Robert Smirke and completed towards the end of 1837.


H: I guess it was founded especially for members of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge?


D: Not really. Graduates from the two universities, students in other universities, graduates of any university, whether in Britain or overseas, are eligible for membership.

D:不是。这两所大学的毕业生,别的大学的毕业生,和其他任何无论在英国还是外 国念书的大学生都有加入这个俱乐部的资格。

H: Does it charge any fee?


D: As of 2009,the membership subscription costs 900 pounds per year, with a 480 pounds rate for younger members. However, the club does not charge an entrance fee.

D:就拿2009年来说吧,每位会员需要交纳900英镑的年费,年轻一些的成员只要 交480磅就可以了。但是,这个俱乐部是不收门票的。

H: If I'm not mistaken, there was an old club of this kind in Briton named United University Club.


D: Let me tell you. Eight years after the foundation of the original United University Club in 1821,the waiting list had become inconveniently long; so it was decided to form a second club.

D:让我来告诉你吧。1821年,在联合大学俱乐部成立8周年之后,申请加入的人 出奋的多,所以人们决定再成立一个类似的俱乐部。

H: So I guess that is the Oxford and Cambridge Club now?


D: Yes, But it was only in 2001 that it reverted to the Oxford and Cambridge Club.


H: Have you entered the Club building?


D: Yes. We even dined there! Actually when I sit in the grand coffee house, I felt like a toff, yet I still want to share my experience with you.

D:进了啊,我们还在里面吃了一顿饭呢!实际上,当我坐在那个装潢华丽的咖啡厅 时,感觉自己像个执绘子弟,不过我还是愿意和你分享一下我的经历。

H: Go ahead please.


D: As the taxi drove down this road on Pall Mall on a dark December evening, I could see into the tall grand windows of the buildings.

D:那是12月的一个晚上,当计程车开到蓓尔美尔街,缓缓地停下来时,我都能透 过高大的窗户看到里面。

H: What did you see then?


D: There were 8 feet tall oil paintings of important men in Renaissance-style wigs in tails,parties of men in black tie and tails gathered around holding champagne flutes...

D:里面挂着几幅长约8英尺的油画,有重要人物穿着文艺复兴时期流行的燕尾服, 戴着假发的肖像,也有聚会上系着黑色领结,身着燕尾服的男士,端着高脚香槟 酒杆,来往应酬,谈笑风生。

H; It is just like scene in Jane Austen's novels! How romantic! How was when you entered the hall?


D: Inside,having undressed our multiple coats and layers in the cloakroom, we then made our way to the Coffee Room. It was really grand.

D: 一进去,我们就在衣帽间脱去了厚重的外套,然后走到了咖啡厅。这咖啡厅真的 非常漂亮。

H: What do they serve there? Is the food nice?


D: Looking at the menu, you can find things are as traditionally British as you could get! The food was just pleasant, and plentiful. I finished nearly everything on ray plates. Furthermore, I should say that the service was impeccable.

D:你能在菜单上找到所有传统的英国食物。味道很好,分量也很足。我几乎把盘子 里的东西吃了个ig光。还有,那里的服务真是无可挑剔。

H: Really? I should go and have a look.


D: If you ever have the chance, I would recommend a visit to the Oxford and Cambridge club. It will be a moment where you remember how posh we British really are.

D:如果有机会,我建议你有时间去一趟。你绝对能感受到我们英国人的生活有多么 精致。

H: Great! I think I'll go there with some friends next time.
